Members of the LakinLand Academy of Music pick their favorite CD's each week. Follow along as we track what these tastemakers have in their cd players.

Without thinking, we asked some of our loyal citizens and music lovers to submit their lists for the Top 10 albums released in the year 2002.
Check it out...

LakinLand Best CD's of 2001

[Album Image][Album Image]                           

Find out which ones made the cut

LakinLand's Top Ten for 1999
The good new music. It must be out there. The music I want to hear. Someone must be making it. Iíve got to have faith. I have just gotten apathetic and lazy. I must try harder. 
LakinLand Voice of the People
On March 20th Greg Kot of the Chicago Tribune wrote that our friend the CD is becoming extinct.
"But with March marking the CD's 20th anniversary, the boom is over. Compact disc shipments in the U.S. plunged nearly 9 percent last year to just more than 800 million, according to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). The ripple effect is only beginning as the music industry braces for a future that will involve the death of CD stores and the rise of wireless, pocket-size MP3 players that will enable consumers to access thousands of hours of music at the touch of a button. The only real question is how long it will take for those scenarios to become reality."

This stuck a chord with music collectors around LakinLand and prompted the following Voice of the People article from avid collector Randy P.  Full Story


Danny's Jukebox- Vol 7 - The Most Annoying #1 Singles of the 70ís
Hereís a switch. This time out the jukebox is filled with a stack of 45ís that I donít like and nobody in their right mind would wanna play. Thatís okay. The stylus on the tone arm is broken and I had to special order one from the pretend jukebox parts factory in Xanadu. So relax and be glad no one can drop in a quarter and play...

Danny's Jukebox - Volume 6- Tragedy Songs

Somebody's gonna hurt someone before this song is through. That's because all Tragedy Songs have one thing in common: Someone dies.

Danny's Jukebox - Volume 5
In an effort to jump on the "Elvis Died In August" bandwagon, this edition of the jukebox pays tribute to the King.

Danny's Jukebox - Volume 4 
Singer-Songwriter Music of the 70ís
People had been writing and performing their own songs long before James Taylor strapped on a guitar and sang about seeing fire and rain. It just wasnít until the seventies that it became a genre. And what a maligned genre it was! For every talented new voice that deserved to be heard there were countless others that should have been muted. 

Danny's Jukebox - Volume 3 - British Invasion Edition
Rock & Roll was originally an American art form. It was American music derived from other American music. Yes, the blues, country and all that other good stuff belonged to us, gosh darn it. But just like the kid who has way too many toys, we took it all for granted and never really appreciated what we had stashed in our very own toy box. Those scruffy kids in England knew better and soon they were pinchiní our heritage and coming up with a new sound they could call their own.

Danny's Jukebox - Volume 2 - Bubble Gum Edition
In the world of popular music, perhaps no other genre is looked down at with as much disdain as Bubble Gum Music. "Itís just rock and roll for teeny boppers" is the knock against it. Well, yeah. But is that really such a bad thing

10 Overlooked Blues Classics

Dylan Tribute

Greatest Live Albums

Daydream Believers - The Story of the Monkees
by Norm

Elvis Costelloís Top 10 Pickup Lines

The Greatest Album Covers Ever!

The Guys Behind the Counter - May  2000
In case you needed further evidence that what passes as popular music is void of any artistic integrity

The Comedy Albums That Time Forgot

Wings Over America
Chicago Stadium - May 31, 1976

Rock N Roll Hall of Fame 2001

Cartoon Rock Groups

LISTEN WITH LAKIN- Music Reviews - Volume 7
McCartney, Gram Parsons, Emmylou Harris and the Ohio Express -- What a party!

LISTEN WITH LAKIN- Music Reviews - Volume 6
Dylan, Badfinger and Beatles -- Oh my

LISTEN WITH LAKIN- Music Reviews - Volume 5- 

Crenshaw, Thompson, Cash, Nicholson & Bubblegum - How many shoes do they rate?

LISTEN WITH LAKIN- Music Reviews - Volume 4 - 
Neil Young, Patti Smith, Phish and The Makers. What's your final answer?

LISTEN WITH LAKIN- Music Reviews - Volume 3 - It's a new year...
Itís the start of a new year and that means we ainít gonna see a lot of new releases coming out until it gets closer to spring. So why we wait for a solo album by that dead guy from INXS or the debut offering from Kobe Bryant (draw your own conclusions), I decided to try something new and unusual. And by unusual, I mean desperate. Iím gonna close my eyes, pick out ten CDs from my collection at random and then tell you what I think about them.

I think WSBT's "Adopt a Bluesman" campaign is a great idea, but I think we should use the picture of Cindy Ward playing whiffle ball with John Lee Hooker and Etta James instead.  Just my opinion.