Here are some recent compilation releases by artists whose albums you should already own on compact disc. Perhaps youíd like to pick them up anyway and play them when you canít decide which great album to listen to or you can buy them and give as gifts to the uninitiated.

Cover ImageThe Essential Bob Dylan

Well, that title certainly is a misnomer, which is good in this case because ëmisnomerí is such a fun word and itís be awhile since Iíve had the chance to use it in a sentence. But seriously, folkies, thereís no possible way you could fit every essential Bob Dylan recording on a two CD set, so maybe this should have been called The Best of the Essential Bob Dylan or at least what Sony Music reckons it to be. Okay, so what have we got here? 30 tracks digitally remastered and yes, they do sound pretty darn good. Pardon me why I pause to think about the money Iím gonna have to spend to re-buy all those other Dylan CDs when they get the super-duper audio upgrading treatment. (Sigh) Packaging looks nice. Cool B&W cover photo but not much annotation to speak of. The song selection is impressive. Good to see Jokerman on the same collection as all those other classic Zimmy tunes. Yeah, even for someone like me who has almost the entire catalog, this is a treat to pop into the changer and give a listen. But if you think you can buy just this set and be done with it, youíre wrong. And if youíre gonna get this one, you shanít delay. According to the sticker on the CD (and stickers on the CD never lie), this is a limited edition and once itís gone, you canít have it.

Cover ImageThe Very Best of Badfinger

The first Badfinger compilation to include songs from both their Capitol and Warner Brothers recordings. With fewer songs chosen from a bigger selection, this compilation is a lot tighter than Capitolís previous Best of Badfinger compact disc and itís sequenced better. Thereís no messing about this time as the solid one-two-three punch of "No Matter What," "Day After Day" and "Baby Blue" kick off the proceedings, but the quality of the music doesnít stop there. Not a weak track in the bunch, great song follows great song and one can only wonder what might have been if this band had the luck of The Beatles and been managed by someone who actually gave a damn about their future. Of course, not every good Badfinger song can be included on this compilation and those who really want to experience the wonderful talent of this band should pick up No Dice and Straight Up for sure and at least toss in Ass for good measure. Packaging is far and above superior to that of the before mentioned Best Of, whose cover looked like a cheap TV offer rip-off. Nice color pictures in the glossy 16 page booklet but I havenít read the liner notes yet. (Do I really need to be told about the tragedy of Badfinger one more time?) Give Capitol a thumbs up on this one. Although they might wanna think about a nice ten track Very Very Best of Badfinger budget piece to sell to the hit suckers whoíll never fully understand the brilliance of "Meanwhile Back at the Ranch/Should I Smoke". And Warner Brothers might wanna cough up domestic releases of Badfinger and Wish Your Were Here for the rest of us.

Cover ImageThe Beatles - 1

Is this the ultimate Beatles compilation? Could there ever be such a thing? Maybe thatís why Capitol decided to go with the number one singles concept. No one can really say what the best 27 Beatles songs are, but at least this way theyíve established a certain criteria. Okay, so itís not perfect, but you canít deny that itís a pretty solid set. And if nothing else it serves as a nice gift item, especially for parents to give their kids who have just discovered the music magic of the Fab Four. Think of it as a quick and easy Beatles starter kit. And even the most ardent Beatle fans can enjoy it because itís a splendid, if not perfect, mix. As far as the visual presentation, the cover sucks, the backís okay and the 30 page booklet is fab gear.

 Ratings System

5 shoes  Essential. 
Worth running into a burning house and saving.
4 shoes Excellent. 
Wouldnít run back into a burning house for it, but would grab it on the way out.
3 shoes  Good. 
Might grab it while fleeing a burning house, but would chuck it if the weight was slowing me down.
2 shoes Sorta Okay. 
Wouldnít risk saving it, but would feel a slight pang of sorrow over its loss.
1 shoe Yuck. 
Should have traded it in before the house caught on fire.
0 shoes Putrid Crap. 
Would toss it into a burning house for kindling.
No Rating Usually given to albums by artists I donít relate to. 
Or maybe Iím just being lazy.
Fractions   º , ‡ ,etc.
 A cowardly way of showing indecision.

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