Van Morrison - Down The Road (Universal Records)

All you have to do is take a look at the CD cover to know where Van the Man is coming from on this one. An old record shop with vintage album jackets featuring Muddy Waters, Ray Charles, Mose Allison and John Lee Hooker? Forget about that baseball diamond in a cornfield. This is heaven! Great soulful music and intelligent lyrics with some bite. This yearís answer to last yearís "Love & Theft" by Bob Dylan and just another one of those things that make getting up in the morning worth the trouble.

a half shoes.
Elvis Costello - When I Was Cruel (Island)

Taking time out from his misguided efforts of trying to show StarKist he has good taste, the living Elvis delivers an album more in tune with his early funny records and the loyal multitudes are giddy with delight. No, this is not the return of "This Yearís Model," but it sure beats a roll in the hay with Sophie Van Otter. Besides, any singer who can quote ABBA and still sound pissed off is more than okay in my book.


Paul Westerberg - Stereo/Mono (Vagrant Records)

Itís rough, itís ragged and itís catchy to boot. Plus, the songs are really, really good. When he had a major label behind him, the former Replacement never quite reached the high expectations set for him. But now that heís recording for a dinky independent, heís not only given us one but two superb CDs to listen to. "Stereo" is the excellent solo record which you pay for and "Mono" by Grandpaboy is the band record you get for free. Yes, two whole wonderful CDs for less than youíd pay for the new Jay-Z. What a bargain.

Rating: a half shoes

Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (Nonesuch)

Wasnít it nice of Wilco to make Radioheadís new album for them? And now that Wilco and Radiohead fans alike are denying this comparison, let me say that, A) my listening ear is no longer keen enough to detect the subtle (or not so subtle) differences in todayís modern hip music and, B) I make the above observation without a hint of sarcasm in my typing voice. I like this album. A lot. And I think the title has something to do with Joe DiMaggio doing a happy dance in the lobby after every game during his hitting streak. (BTW - Only some of the songs sound like Radiohead. A couple remind me of The Kinks.)


Neil Young - Are You Passionate? (Reprise)

When Booker T. and two thirds of the MGs open up the first track on this new album with a high powered Stax riff, you almost get the feeling John Belushi is going to burst into the room and start doing cartwheels. Unfortunately, Neil the singer doesnít quite have the vocal chops to keep up with the soul review heís staging and the songs themselves donít add much to the mix. At least the old hippieís guitar playing is up to the task and that along with the efforts of the legendary backing band make this a worthy (but not essential) addition to the CD collection.


Badly Drawn Boy - About A Boy Original Soundtrack (ARTISTS direct Records)

Donít be scared off by the fact that this album is a soundtrack to a movie or that Iím not wearing pants as I write this review. This CD isnít disjointed like some soundtrack assignments handed over to pop artists and your image of me in my underpants canít be anywhere near as frightening as the real thing. If you like smart catchy well produced pop songs that capture the spirit of Brian Wilson, Harry Nilsson, Van Dyke Parks and Paul McCartney (just to name a few), buy this sucker. If not, then maybe Iíll write my next batch of reviews totally naked.



Ratings System

5 shoes  Essential. 
Worth running into a burning house and saving.
4 shoes Excellent. 
Wouldnít run back into a burning house for it, but would grab it on the way out.
3 shoes  Good. 
Might grab it while fleeing a burning house, but would chuck it if the weight was slowing me down.
2 shoes Sorta Okay. 
Wouldnít risk saving it, but would feel a slight pang of sorrow over its loss.
1 shoe Yuck. 
Should have traded it in before the house caught on fire.
0 shoes Putrid Crap. 
Would toss it into a burning house for kindling.
No Rating Usually given to albums by artists I donít relate to. 
Or maybe Iím just being lazy.
Fractions   º , ‡ ,etc.
 A cowardly way of showing indecision.

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