The Comedy Albums That Time Forgot

They used to be called "party records" because people would invite their friends over to the house for drinks and then listen to the latest comedy recordings on their hi-fi as the main source of entertainment. Bob Newhart, Bill Cosby and the Smothers Brothers were some of the more popular performers to headline in various living rooms across America thanks to the growing popularity of prerecorded humor. But you donít need a turntable to enjoy some of the classic comedy records from the sixties and seventies. We think these album covers are entertaining enough without having to hear whatís on the vinyl inside!

Featuring "Pop Hates the Beatles" and other favorites by Americaís second most famous Jewish folk singer.  "Hello Dere!" The political comedy stylings that may have played a big part in LBJís decision to not run for re-election. "I am not Spartacus. My name is Jose Jimenez!"

"Politically incorrect way ahead of his time."

Join the Pat McCormick's "Mondo Silly" Fan Club,
A few lucky fans will get to climb Pat McCormick.
Ben Stillerís proud parents. Performing the routines that helped get them regular work as game show panelists. Two Ronnies, No Waiting.  Proof that with only (2? or 3?) channels, the BBC still had trouble filling time. "Shipoopi!" "Itís the kind of timeless comedy that grows funnier with repeated listens."


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