Members of the Academy:

The Mayor

Larry K

Top 2002 Home

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1. Paul Westerberg - Stereo
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
2. Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
    About a Boy
3. Badly Drawn Boy - About A Boy Soundtrack
The Rising
4. Bruce Springsteen - The Rising
    Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
5. The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots
6. Ryan Adams - Demolition
7. Grandpaboy - Mono
When I Was Cruel
8. Elvis Costello - when i was cruel
    Sea Change
9. Beck - Sea Change
Rush of Blood to the Head
10. Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head
Without thinking, we asked some of our loyal citizens and music lovers to submit their lists for the Top 10 albums released in the year 2002. Some of them complied, others improvised and one confused participant scribbled a multi-page rant detailing the evil hidden messages in the most recent CD by The Wiggles. (Due to legal reasons, that one will have to remain unpublished for now). After the lists were sent in, the ones written in crayon and/or blood were tossed out and we began to tally votes for each album by using a point system so complex and mystifying that even the people involved in the counting process had no idea how it worked. After what seemed like several minutes of minimal effort (and, it fact, was), the votes were tabulated, reexamined and then made into a spiffy paper airplane that did a real neat kamikaze dive after flying just halfway across the room. We then pieced together this yearís Top 10 list from memory and drank beer.