Paul McCartney playing at the Cavern in front of 300 very lucky people. How cool is that?   (Answer: Pretty damn.)

I havenít picked up any new music releases lately, but was able to track down an import Graham Parker anthology called Vertigo. Whatís different about this particular GP collection? Itís the only one to contain the entire Live at Marble Arch. Way too cool.  And to think his second album was produced by the guy whoís boniní Shania Twain.  Or are the break up rumours true?

In between visits to hawk his autographed wares on QVC, Pete Rose is trying to get reinstated into major league baseball. Hey, Pete, itís a lifetime ban. Are you missing the obvious loophole?

On the plus side for Charlie Hustle, O.J. Simpson has crossed his name off the list as a suspect in his diligent search to find the real killers of Nichole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

On ESPNís list of the 100 greatest athletes of the century, Jack Nicklaus is ranked ninth. Iím sorry, I thought he played golf.

Of course, pound for pound, midget wrestlers are still the finest athletes in the world.

The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame has announced itís latest inductees. Eric Clapton will be enshrined once again, this time as a solo artist. Heís already in the Hall as a member of The Yardbirds and Cream. (Itís a good thing he didnít bet on rock concerts!) Also being inducted are Bonnie Rait, James Taylor, the Loviní Spoonful and Earth, Wind & Fire. Nat King Cole and Billie Holiday are being honored as early influences and Clive Davis is getting the nod as a non performer. (Meant in a nice way, Iím sure.) Unfortunately, the menís room attendant at the Fillmore East will once again have to wait until next year.

The son of Woody Allen is a prodigy! The filmmakerís biological offspring formerly known as Satchel (now renamed Seamus) is only eleven years old and already attending college. At this rate and with his genes, heíll be a dirty old man before he turns 30.

I am the only one who thinks the most underrated actress of all-time is Hermione Gingold? Or am I just saying that because I think itíll get a laugh?

Michael Jackson recently graced the cover of TV Guide to help celebrate the announcement of MTVís top 100 videos of all-time. (Sorry, the one with Pamela and Tommy Lee didnít make the cut.) Besides enlightening us with chit-chat about the artistry behind his music and video output, Michael wanted to ensure everyone that he is not the insane little freak he appears to be. He did not, however, address the subject of Beatle songs being used in TV commercials. Since he owns the publishing rights, I say he stinks big time. How would False Face like it if someone used one of his songs as a jingle in a commercial?. And remember, he does have one called Beat It.

Taking a quick peek at whoís topping the album charts...Celine Dion, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Santana, Christina Aguilera, Dr. Dre, Garth Brooks, Kenny G, Will Smith and Shania Twain. Letís see....Crap, crap, crap, legend, crap, rap, crap, boring crap, repetitive drivel and a real hot smokiní babe.

Dedicated to LEEmail: If you took a ton of The Fragile CDs by Nine Inch Nails and a ton of Garthbrooksaschrisgaines CDs and dropped them from a tall building, which would hit the ground first? (And which would make the loudest thud?)

You know Sweeps Month is over when the networksí embarrassments come crawling back onto the schedule like cockroaches scurrying to the dirty dishes when the kitchen lights are turned off.  Say, isnít that Action back on Thursday nights on Fox? And I think I see Oh Grow Up getting a reprieve on ABCís Tuesday night lineup. Better get those mid-season replacement shows ready.

Yahoo! I hear Billy Crystal is gonna be the host for the next Oscar telecast! I wonder if heíll do that thing where he sings all the best picture nominees in a real big funny song. And do you think heíll talk like an old Jew at some point during the telecast?

Lakinland bids a sad farewell to game shot host Gene Rayburn, a true legend of television. Most people remember his stint as host on the two tiered panel version of The Match Game that aired in the 70ís & 80ís and featured such panelists as Brett Sommers, Fannie Flagg and Charles Nelson Reilly. That was merely the zenith of a broadcast career that stretched back into the 50ís and included the original version of The Match Game in the 60ís. So good-bye, Mr. Rayburn, we will blank you very much.

A sure sign Iím getting old: I can only Do the Freddie for a couple of minutes and then I get really tired. Sigh.

"Itís not the knife in the heart   that  tears you apart, itís the thought of someone sticking it in!"

Fuck and Run- Volume 2 is right here in case you missed it...

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