As I write this ninth edition of the movie guide, thereís one thing that puzzles me. Whatís up with the roman numeral for nine? I mean, I just donít get the whole putting one letter in front of another to make it less that many concept. If we did that with our number system, then nine would be written 110 and my bank book would be all messed up. Stupid Romans. No wonder theyíre extinct.
Computer genius boy meets big fat computer company. Computer genius boys goes to work for big fat computer company. Big fat computer company turns out to be evil. Film reviewer loses interest and gets another beer out of the fridge. DOUBLE TAKE A straighted-laced successful dude finds himself in trouble and must depend on a wisecracking petty thief to help him clear his name. To paraphrase Albert Brooks, "It can't be a clichÈ, everybody's done it!" The premise is tired and worn, but at least this retread doesn't have Chris Tucker in it. FINDING FORRESTER
THE HOUSE OF MIRTH First, beware of a movie with the word "mirth" in the title. It means fun to people who are stuffy and boring. Second, this film does indeed sound stuffy and boring, despite the fact that it stars Gillian Anderson of The X-Files, a TV show that is just boring. Letís see, Anderson is a socialite who is trapped in the uppity New York social world... zzzzzzzzz. Sorry, dozed off a second. And it all takes place about a hundred years ago... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz OH BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU?
THE PLEDGE Jack Nicholson plays a homicide detective who gets wound up in a murder case on his last day on the job. What luck. Some bastard has murdered a child and Jack promises the kid's mother he won't rest or go to another Lakers game until the case is solved. Sean Penn directed this dark and disturbing mystery thriller that at best falls into the category of "engrossing." Sorry, being engrossed is something my short attention span canít handle anymore. Itís hard enough for me to make it through a half hour of Friends just to find out if Chandler really is the one who left the cap off the toothpaste. SAVE THE LAST DANCE A white suburban ballerina with a heavy heart meets a black inner city hip-hopper. And when the homeboy starts showing the tutu tootsie how to use her ballerina moves on the dance floor, I can't help but think of that movie where the hockey player and figure skater become partners and fall in love despite their vast differences and somebody please stop me before I puke. SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE
SNATCH This movie is directed by Madonnaís husband but the title isn't a reference to the Material Girl. To be honest, I read the film's premise three or four times and I'm still not sure what it's about. There's a lot of plot twists and a bunch of double crosses, so it's kinda hard to follow. Perhaps that's the charm of the whole thing. Sort of a grubby British version of The Sting, I guess. Brad Pitt, who just got married to Jennifer Aniston (in real life, not the movie) plays a bare fisted boxer who won't throw a bout and thus finds himself at odds with a mob boss. As we have learned from watching other movies, being at odds with a mob boss usually leads to bad stuff. But it can also be fun. Okay, I've had to think about this one too much and my brain hurts. (That means thumbs down and get me an aspirin.) SUGAR & SPICE
TRAFFIC Drugs are bad. People who bring them into the country are naughty. And Catherine Zeta-Jones is a hot babe. Toss in a drug hater played by the hot babe's real life husband (Michael Douglas) and you've got yourself a film that's getting a lot of pre-Oscar buzz. TWO NINAS I think this is a film version of The Two Ronnies, only with chicks. Doesn't sound like a good idea to me. VALENTINE Four snooty college tootsies make fun of a geek boy at school and since this is a horror film, I think you know where itís headed. The geek comes back on Valentineís Day and seeks bloody retribution. I guess a movie about a guy who gets revenge by starting his own web site and posting satirical nasty things about the girls who rejected him wouldn't be very commercial. THE WEDDING PLANNER