"What I Feel, I Canít Say..."

A cloudburst doesnít last all day, but the gloom brought on by the death of George Harrison seemed to hang in the air for quite some time. Then the good memories started to overtake the sorrow and in the back of our minds we could hear our departed friend say, "Itís not always going to be this grey." Yes, he left this world way too soon but he also left behind a lot to remember him by. And if you need to refresh your memory, play the music he made or watch the movies and videos he appeared in. George Harrison - Beatle, Wilbury and all around cool guy. He will be missed.

And now on to the good, the bad and the crappy...

We start off by taking you to the unfriendly confines of Cleveland Browns Stadium where idiot fans pelted the referees with plastic beer bottles and other flying debris after a controversial call cost their beloved Browns a football game and a possible shot at the playoffs. Hey, I thought the purpose of Instant Replay was to get the call right? So who cares if the refs screwed up on the protocol? It was an incomplete pass, they were right to reverse the call and the spiking rule is stupid and wrong anyway. End of story.

And then the next night on ABCís Monday Night Football more asshole fans threw more crap onto the field when they didnít get their big baby way. Yeah, only two months after the tragedy of 9/11 and it was time to get back to the normal routine of having a cow over the really unimportant things in life.

O.J. Simpson. He beat a murder rap and road rage charges, but heís not gonna get away with stealing cable dammit!!

Itís been reported that EMI is willing to pay Mariah Carey millions of dollars to stop making albums for Virgin. Hmm, maybe they found out she isnít one. Well, with the big thud her Glitter soundtrack made, I think the payoff would be money well spent, donít you? Oh and Mariah, Mr. Hefner is on line one for you.

Who got the best Christmas present this year? Drew Barrymore. Tom Green filed for divorce.

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling got married in a private ceremony last week, which may explain the title for the upcoming fifth installment of the Potter book series: "Harry Potter Leaves The Toilet Seat Up."

Well, it looks like the next Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction bash could be a major whing-ding. Among those being honored will be Talking Heads, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers and The Ramones! But will the Heads play together? And what will The Ramones do without Joey at the mic? (I wonder if Patti Smith is busy that night.)

Actor Ben Kingsley, best known for his Academy AwardÆ winning performance as Ghandi and almost nothing else, was knighted by the Queen of England and now must be addressed as Sir Baldy. The Bee Gees and boxer Lennox Lewis were also honored with CBEís (Commander of the Order of the British Empire), a title that comes with a large drink and fries but no special powers. Ironically, the three Gibb brothers received their CBEís for a long career of making pop music while Lewis got his for beating people up.

You say Usama and I say Osama. Its no wonder we canít find the guy. We canít even figure out how to spell his frigginí name. But I think thereís still only one way to spell ëEvil Peckerhead.í

Robbie Williams and actress Nicole Kidman topped the British singles chart with their duet of "Something Stupid" and no, the title does not refer to Kidmanís ex-husband Tom Cruise. Itís a remake of the Frank and Nancy Sinatra record that became a huge hit in the sixties. You know, back when a father and daughter could sing a love song to each other and not start up rumors of incest.

56 year old rock star Eric Clapton married his 25 year old girlfriend on New Yearís Day and only former Rolling Stone Bill Wyman thought that she was too old for him.

Elvis Costello and Bruce Springsteen were on the same stage together over the holiday season and The Boss even provided some background vocals for the King of America. No, it didnít have quite the same impact as when Hulk Hogan and Randy "Macho Man" Savage shook hands in the middle of the ring and became "The Mega Powers," but it was still a nice little Kodak© moment for the end of the year. However, there is no truth to the rumor that Bruce and Elvis are planning to record a cover version of "The Girl Is Mine."

Hold on - this canít be true! Rhea Perlman is gonna be the villain in the next Star Trek movie?! What, Picard is supposed to be scared of that Brillo headed shortie?! Get serious! No way anyoneís gonna pay money to see that! What? Oh, not Rhea Perlman, Ron Perlman. Thatís different. He was that big harry dude in Beauty & The Beast, right? And heís even scarier without the makeup.

According to Rolling Stone Magazine, Mick Jaggerís Goddess in the Doorway is the third best album of the year 2001?? Hmm, sounds to me like somebody on the editorial staff has been smoking the Calvin Klein scented ads. And howís come none of the staff critics picked the new Britney Spears CD as the album of the year after the magazine let her pose half naked on the cover so many times? Oh, I guess theyíre waiting until they select the Breasts of the Year. (Get it? Well, too bad Justin Timberlake doesnít.)

But at least RS got something right. Not only did they pay tribute to George Harrison in their regular issue, but they also put out a special edition devoted entirely to The Beatle who wasnít so quiet after all. At least thatís the impression I got after reading the tributes by those who were, as Tom Perry puts it, "blessed to have known him." And itís Pettyís reflections on George that are the most endearing. A man gets to meet his idol and winds up with a lifelong friend.

Well, it seems like weíve gone full circle here and once again weíre heading for the end of the line. And now Iíve got the sudden urge to listen to Thirty Three and 1/3, Living In the Material World and the first Traveling Wilburys album. What about All Things Must Pass? Just finished.

I Dig George. May he find happiness in the spiritual world with his old bandmates John Lennon and Lefty Wilbury.


 Fuck and Run- "The Achieves" is right here in case you missed an edition.

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