it's a long way there.  It's a long way to where I'm goin'...
Yes, The Sopranos is back - but I hasten to say that it's better than ever.  Not just yet, at least.  I didn't realize how much I missed Paulie & Silvio, Janice is as deliciously despicable as ever and you had to love Tony's confrontation with Meadow's "date" - but jeez, what a lackluster way to start the season.  The constant fade outs in Episode One were annoying and Nancy Marchand's appearance in Episode Two was pointless and borderline ridiculous- it almost seemed like a segment from Space Ghost Coast to Coast, with Tony at the desk.  These were two episodes that could have/should have slid themselves into one.  Come on, we had to wait over 90 minutes to see anybody get the crap beat out of them, and that wasn't even that good.  Next week's episode looks like we'll be getting back into the swing of things, though - which is good.  I've been accosted by folks who watched the show for the first time and left saying "What's the big deal?"  I told them to give it one more week and that The Sopranos could be the finest television series of all time.  (Next to Small Wonder, natch.)  Of course, the music choices were as fabulous as ever.  I'm still kicking myself for not doing the "Peter Gunn"/"Every Breath You Take" medley first.  The placement of one of E.C.'s best songs ever, "High Fidelity", was perfect and made me bounce my head around like it always does.  But, the best thing of all:  Tony singing along to "Dirty Work" by the incredible Steely Dan in his car.  Yes folks, Steely Dan was featured on The Sopranos.  I rest my case.
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  In Your Face - Fishbone.
Finally saw Eyes Wide Shut this week (thanks to my fab new digital cable hook-up).  Not a great movie, but certainly not as bad as I had been led to believe it was.  In fact, I might even watch it again.  Yeah, Kidman & Cruise are pretty lame, but the scene with Alan Cummings in the hotel was one of the funniest I've ever seen.
Question Of The Week 1©: Succinctly, what was so lousy about this movie?  (Honestly, it's been so long that I can't remember the complaints.)
Okay, a few weeks ago I told you about a great new single from Nikka Costa.  Well, I've had the pleasure of hearing the new record, Everybody Got Their Something [Virgin], and it is solid through & through, kiddies.  Those of you who are looking for a true groovyretropsychedelicfunkasaurus will find it when this baby hits the streets on May 8th.  Throw out your Macy Gray records, people.  This one's got the grooves, she actually has a voice and - from what I can tell - she's got quite a nice onion.  Check out this link for more.  Come on, you know I never steer you wrong...  http://www.virginrecords.com/nikka_costa/preview/index2.html
Speaking of old LEEmails:  Ponder this, folks...
1: Courtney Love representing musicians is equivalent to Pauly Shore representing actors.
2: Ms. Love's Hole's Live Through This was released in 1994.  She waited until 1988 to deliver another album.  Why?  Perhaps she was too busy acting in movies and wearing designer dresses.  I'm sure the "boutique label" she thought she'd signed with didn't expect for her to take 4 years off.  Hell, if they were simply a small label, how could they afford to have one of their "star" acts basically disappear for FOUR YEARS?
3: It is (unfortunately) the Music Business.  So sorry that Ms. Love feels like she should not do anything, be responsible for any costs incurred in the promotion/production of her records (I mean, I'm sure she had no demands about anything...) and that her label should focus all of their energy behind her band, and not the others on the label or the label's catalog. 
4: I'm confused what sort of "Boutique" label has band like Guns & Roses (19 million records sold Before Live Through This was released), or Aerosmith (7 million albums sold B.L.T.T. ), Whitesnake (9 million albums sold B.L.T.T.), Nirvana (4 million), Don Henley (5 million)...  Don't get me wrong - the attitude, aesthetic and altogether ambience may have been boutique - but sales like that don't allow you to be 4AD  (see:  Point #3 - business)  Maybe my mind will change when the acts above complain about their contracts and file suit, too.
Point:  Hell yes, I root for the underdog and question my morals daily at my job - but that obnoxious slit has had everything handed to her and has absolutely no room or right to complain about a damn thing - no matter who benefits from it.  For every complainer in every situation, there are hoards of non-complainers.  Entertainment's never been a pretty business.  But, it adheres to the idea I live by:  Natural Selection.  She signed the damn contract, she read the terms, she chose not to follow them.  May she burn in hell.
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Funk Pop A Roll" - XTC.  Hey, they shoulda sued Geffen, too!
Happy Birthday to Thee From LEE This Week©:
03/09/33    Lloyd Price
03/09/42    Mark Lindsay
03/10/40    Dean Torrence
03/12/22    Jack Kerouac
03/15/47    Ry Cooder
Question Of the Week©:  What is the best dramatic TV series of all time?
©2001 Lee M. Lodyga
LEEmail LakinLand