Two against nature make them groan. Who's gonna break the shape of things unknown?
Why's everybody so upset about Steely Dan winning the Grammy?  It's a fine record, it's worlds better than the Paul Simon album and you know how I feel about Eminem...  Yes, Radiohead or Beck deserved the prize more (of the other nominees) but look what else won.  A woman who has recorded 6 major label records during her 13 years in the business won Best New Artist.  Macy Fucking Gray won.  It's all really cut & dry - the Grammys suck and are as valid as the Oscars, which have zero validity.  (I'll be watching the Grammy telecast this weekend - so you'll get my thoughts on that next week.  Hey, better late than never.  And you know they'll be worth waiting for...)
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  Countdown To Ecstasy - Steely Dan.
Speaking of Grammy winners, I'm confused by the Sting Lexus ad on television.  You know Sting, right?  He's the guy who claims the music industry treats artists and their output like chattel, but stops bitching long enough to sign deals with Compaq, Target & Best Buy.  Oh, and Lexus.  Anyway, there's this ad about "what rock stars dream about", and during it Sting is performing some of his horrible music on stage.  Then, he proceeds to drift off to sleep.  Now, I realize the majority of the crowds that go to see him catch a few z's during his shows - but does he really want to advertise that his shite-y music even puts him to sleep?  What a maroon.
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
02/25/43    George Harrison
02/25/50    Emitt Rhodes
02/26/32    Johnny Cash
02/26/45    Mitch Ryder
02/28/42    Brian Jones
03/01/45    Roger Daltrey
I've heard the best new single of the millennium so far and its name is "Like A Feather".  The Artist is Nikka Costa, and this tune is one funky kick-ass groove that will stick in yo' headz. 
Speaking of great music - I saw Ryan Adams at the Troubadour this week.  And, even though I missed the new song/duet with Alanis, I saw 2 hours of the most incredible music I've heard in years.  People, pick up Heartbreaker [Bloodshot] if you haven't already. 
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Excuse Me While I Break My Own Heart Tonight" - Whiskeytown. 
How about that giant goddamn maze?  And b'bye to Kimmy and some of the largest teeth seen on television since the Doug Henning Show.
Question Of The Week©:  Which celebrity is the biggest corporate whore?
©2001 Lee M. Lodyga
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