He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich.
Just a few hours until Survivor II: The Australian Outback.  I can't wait.  Now, I hope those of you who resisted last time will give this one a shot.  The first season was truly some of the best television EVER.  Get over yourselves and indulge.  Christ, it's only television.  Live a little.  Anyway, they sure casted pretty this time.  That's key - if I see someone get dragged into a swamp by a crocodile, I want 'em to look good gettin' it done to 'em.  Of course, NBC has decided to add 10 minutes to Friends to combat their new Thursday competition.  Why not just expand to an hour?  Who came up with that retarded 40 minute episode idea?  Wait, it gets better - they're going to fill the extra 20 minutes in the hour with new SNL skits.  Gee, 20 minutes of a show that's only funny in the first place because you're half asleep, on when you could be watching something entertaining.  I wonder if Will Ferrell will do George W every week?  Seriously, any takers?  Now, if they had Will Ferrell attacked and maimed by crocodiles for 20 minutes, I'd watch that.  Of course, I'd have to watch it on tape.  After Survivor.
I was watching the bullshit MTV 20 Greatest Moments thing and realized that the person I truly hated most in the 1990's was Ms. Courtney Love.  There was a lengthy reel of her being a complete jackass, and it truly made me wonder why anyone would give her the time of day.  After a clip of her comments about "not wanting to go all Alanis and have Glen Ballard write all of her stuff for her" (guess Ms. Love forgot the names Kurt and Billy), the most humiliating thing I've ever seen in my life was her interruption of a Madonna interview from 1995.  She started by throwing make-up and compacts up at Madonna and Kurt  Loder, then got up there and staggered, slurred & swayed until she eventually fell off her chair.  She accused Ms. Ciccone of being a sell-out and the media of being manipulative.  Years later, this hypocritical cunt (oops, sorry c-word haters, forgot how to erase on this newfangled typewriter I got) proceeds to call herself an actress (oooh, playing a junkie - what a stretch!) and wear Versace gowns.  The records suck, her acting sucks, she sucks and she really needs to go die. 
Speaking of Billy Corgan - STOP THE PRESSES:  LEE likes a Smashing Pumpkins song!  That new thing on the radio, "Untitled" I believe, is a great tune.  Now, I also loved the track from Singles, so I guess that makes 2.  Oh, and "Cherub Rock".  That's 3.
Speaking of people I hate - while I realize that Johnnie Cochran has no soul and is truly the devil, I was wondering why Gloria Allred is allowed to practice law.  She needs to get in line behind Courtney.
Kiss Me DeadLEE A Year Ago This Week©:  Don Ralke, 80.  Songwriter who wrote such notable tunes as "Kookie, Lend Me Your Comb", "Happy Days", "Making Our Dreams Come True" and the music for "Snoopy Come Home".  January 26.
Variations On A Theme This Week©:  So 'ol W., the Bi-partisan Machine, spent his first day in office running screaming to the right.  Yeah, we may be one nation under God, but maybe W. & Pat Robertson need to read that thing about Separation of Church & State.  If they can read. 
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Moral Majority" - Dead Kennedys
Worst Movie Of All Time This Week©:  Requiem For A Dream.  Jesus, what an overbearing, laughable piece of shit that is.  "Ooh, my fridge is trying to get me!"  Give me a break.  Burstyn: an Academy Award nominated performance?  Maybe a Golden Globe nod for Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy.  I haven't seen anyone chew that much scenery since Young Einstein.  Talk about being full of sound & fury and signifying nothing.  Yeah - diet pills are the same as heroin.  Gives "Cold Turkey" a whole new meaning.  Stay far away.
Has anyone else seen that ad for the Florida Keys with the "Breathe" rip-off in the background?
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
01/26/34    Huey "Piano" Smith
01/26/57    Eddie Van Halen
01/27/18    Elmore James
01/27/30    Bobby "Blue" Bland
01/30/47    Steve Marriott
01/30/69    The Beatles rooftop concert
01/31/51    Harry Wayne Casey
01/31/56    John Lydon
02/01/37    Don Everly
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  There Are But Four Small Faces - Small Faces
Question Of The Week©:  Who is your most hated celebrity of the 1990's?
©2001 Lee M. Lodyga
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