Les boys do cabaret.  Les boys are glad to be gay.
I don't know which is worse, the fact that the Backstreet Boys & *N Sync are going to be part of this year's Super Bowl, or the fact that the once mighty Aerosmith sold their souls to appear with them.  Man, remember when Aerosmith was cool?  Ugly dudes, stung out on horse, makin' some fucking great rock & roll.  Now we get power ballads (written my Diane Warren, no less), abs & pecs and Gap commercials.  Christ.  Was it ever better than Rocks & Draw The Line?  Don't think so.  The only thing that would be cool about the Super Bowl halftime would be if they do "Come Together" and kick the shit out of *N Sync - in revenge of their pummeling by Peter Frampton & The Bee Gees.
Speaking of Peter Frampton, I got my (autographed!) copy of the 25th anniversary edition of Frampton Comes Alive! today.  And I still say fuck any of you who don't dig that record.  Fantastic HDCD remaster and great packaging - with Mr. Cameron Crowe's liners & the original gatefold recreated, plus a slew of new notes, photos & lyrics.  Top notch.  More amazing is that it is a remembrance of a time when bands played for 2 hours and the tix cost under $10.  Now you're lucky to get 90 minutes at a buck a minute.  Lines on my face, indeed!
Speaking of reissues, I also got an advance of the new All Things Must Pass.  Here's one that they took WAY too many liberties with.  The old packaging has vanished, in lieu of a new, snappy/snotty version.  Lots of great possibilities squandered there.  I don't even want to go into it, it's too depressing.  At least the record holds up.  And, boy does it.  Geez, take the best bits of that, Plastic Ono Band and McCartney and you would have had one hell of a follow up to Abbey Road.  Of course, then 1 wouldn't have been a single disc...
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Apple Scruffs" - George Harrison.  Man, even the throw aways are four star tunes on that album.
Saw a bumper sticker that said "Got God" the other day.  I'm still trying to figure out what a God moustache would look like.
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
01/19/39    Phil Everly
01/19/43    Janis Joplin
01/20/50    Paul Stanley
01/22/35    Sam Cooke
01/23/19    Ernie Kovacs
01/23/52    Robin Zander
01/24/41    Neil Diamond
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  Cheap Trick - Cheap Trick.  Either one.
LEE on TV This Week©:  Okay, The Mole gets better & better - as (or should that be ass) does Temptation Island.  But, they do so for two different reasons.  One does so because you see people with brains that are working, and on the other, you don't.  You see people that possibly should breed and people who definitely shouldn't, but will (or did...)  You see people who are paranoid because they have a reason to be, and people who are paranoid because they're shallow, idiotic slabs of meat with reproductive organs.  People who will have lives after their shows are over and people who won't (and probably never did).  Brilliant TV and brilliant TV. 
Kiss Me DeadLEE A Year Ago This Week©:
Hedy Lamarr, 86.  Actress and sex symbol.  January 19.
Question Of the Week©:  "Surrender" or "Walk This Way"?
©2001 Lee M. Lodyga
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