Getting to know you.  Getting to know all about you.
Funny how the Republicans were all over Clinton for getting a blow job (without telling everyone that they were all having affairs), and now they're blaming the Democrats for practicing the "Politics of Personal Destruction" because Bush nominated a woman who housed and paid an illegal alien for Secretary of Labor.  Geniuses.  Well, we'll just have to wait & see how ol' Dick Ashcroft (someone so competent, he lost an election to a dead guy) does...
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©: "When The Whip Comes Down" - Rolling Stones
Riddle LEE This, Batman - This Week©:  Who came up with the dumping Gatorade on the winning football coach tradition?  If I was a coach, I would fire, or at least suspend any motherfucker who dumped a big jug of artificially flavored backwash on me.
LEE on TV This Week©:  The Mole [ABC]  Okay, this one's got real potential.  Good people and a great concept.  Much different than Survivor, and a real gas (or, at least Episode 1 was...)  The people on the show know that someone's out to get them this time, so they're freaking out and paranoid every step of the way.  You can catch them losing themselves in being a "team member" and trying to have fun with the other players, then pulling back when something/anything has even the remotest possibility of going astray.  This is when these shows work best, when there's a real human element coupled with something at stake.  Read as:  CASH.  LEE Mo B There next week.
Temptation Island [Fox]  Okay, this one's got real problems.  Dumb people, dumb concept and lots of abs, tits and ass.  Did I like it?  No.  Do I care about any of the people on it?  No.  Will I watch it next week?  Er, yeah.
Favorite E.P. Of All Time This Week©:  25 O'Clock - The Dukes of Stratosphear.  Especially that song about the Ministry...
Back to ridiculous television... MTV, the network that used to show music videos but now shows almost everything but music videos, ran an original movie based on the murder of Matthew Shepherd this week.  Afterwards, they went essentially to black for 18 hours, scrolling a 3 hour loop of a list of hate crime victims.  They patted themselves on the back and spoke of all the advertising revenue they were losing to make this statement, and spouted on about how important it was to be sensitive to these issues.  Then they promptly went back to their celebration of misogynism, sex and homophobia by playing Limp Bizkit, Britney Spears and Eminem videos.  Unreal.
Go see You Can Count On Me if you can.
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week:
01/12/65    Hullabaloo
01/14/38    Allen Toussaint
01/14/90    The Simpsons
01/15/41    Don VanVilet
01/14/68    Led Zeppelin
01/14/48    Mick Taylor
01/18/44    "Legs" Larry Smith
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller) - Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band.  Tropical Hot Dog Night, indeed!
Speaking of great albums, VH1 has developed a list of "The 100 Greatest Albums of Rock & Roll".  Okay, Revolver's #1.  I'll buy that, even though they stole it from Mojo - but the rest of the list is waaaaay off.  Waaaaaaay off.  Let me educate you - VH1 style:  Kind Of Blue is a greater rock album than Physical Graffiti.  WHAAAAT?  Give me a fucking break.  What kind of rock anything came from Kind Of Blue?  Superbunk.  Don't get me wrong, I love that record - but rock & roll?  No fucking way.  Why can't all critics be as smart as LEE?
Kiss me DeadLEE A Year Ago This Week©:
Marc Davis, 86.  Animator of such hot Disney babes as Sleeping Beauty & Tinkerbell, and developer of story & character concepts for "The Enchanted Tiki Room", "Pirates Of the Caribbean" and the "Jungle Cruise".  January 12.
Will "Dub" Jones, 71.  Bass vocalist for The Coasters - the man who sang "Don't talk back" in "Yakety Yak" and "Why's everybody always pickin' on me?" in "Charlie Brown".  January 16
Jester Hairston, 98.  Actor (Rolly from TV's Amen)  January 18.
Question Of The Week©:  What is the Greatest Rock & Roll Album Of All Time?
©2001 Lee M. Lodyga
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