Well, good morning Judge - How are you today?
"We are not final because we are infallible, we are infallible because we are final."  Remember, Bushfaces, he gets to appoint judges to that club.  For life.  We're talking Gene Siskel coming back with half a brain and loving Babe: Pig In The City life.
I'm also confused by the fact that the candidate who wants to put the power back in the states' hands went running like a bitch to the Federal Courts.
Speaking of Bush, I realized something else I hate about him.  After watching Gore's exceptional (in content & delivery) concession speech, I realized that while other people write politician's speeches - they need to be delivered as if they're coming from the speaker's own thoughts.  It's called being a communicator.  It's called Public Speaking 101.  You want robotic?  That's W.  You want stiff?  That's W.  You want someone who seems like he's listening to the words resonating in his own, empty skull - having no idea whatsoever about what he's saying?  That's W.  Be honest here, Republicans.  You know it's true(©).  As I may NEVER understand why anyone would vote for him, we've apparently got him for 4 years.  And, as the Republican's have turned Washington into an arena of scrutinizing the person, not the job he's doing, we'll see if the poor little rich boy survives.  It's going to be an interesting ride, kids.
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Mystery Achievement" - Pretenders
Actually, the only thing more depressing than Bush's immanent presidency is that 12/15/00 may be the last Howard Stern broadcast.
The concession of Gore also brings us our first unkept political promises:  I haven't seen For Sale signs in front of Alec or Bab's houses...
Question Of The Week 1©:  Anyone still think Tom Green is funny?  How about Jackass?  How about Gallagher?
Kiss Me DeadLEE A Year Ago This Week©:
Rex Allen, 78.  Singing cowboy.  December 17.
Grover Washington, Jr., 56.  Musician.  December 17.
Robert Bresson, 98.  Director.  December 18.
Desmond Llewelyn, 85.  Actor (Q in the James Bond films).  December 19.
Hank Snow, 85.  Country Music legend.  December 20.
Irving Rapper, 101.  Filmmaker.  December 20.
John Lyday, 78.  Retired surgeon and inspiration for the character "Trapper John" in M*A*S*H.  December 20.
... And, as I prepare for my holiday and don't write to you until the first week of 2001, let me hit you with a few others:
Curtis Mayfield, 57.  Musician.  December 26.
Clayton Moore, 85.  The Lone Ranger.  December 28.
And, as of this writing, Richard Dawson is very much alive.
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  Black & Blue - Rolling Stones.  Hot stuff, indeed!
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
12/15/42    Dave Clark
12/16/43    Tony Hicks
12/18/43    Keith Richards
12/18/53    Elliot Easton
12/19/44    Zal Yanovsky
12/20/57    Billy Bragg
12/21/40    Frank Zappa
12/21/46    Carl Wilson
See above remark about you LEEmail free time:
12/22/49    Maurice & Robin Gibb
12/24/24    Lee Dorsey
12/25/32    Little Richard
12/25/45    Noel Redding
12/25/54    Annie Lennox
12/27/31    Scotty Moore
12/28/50    Alex Chilton
12/30/42    Mike Nesmith
12/30/45    Davy Jones
12/30/47    Jeff Lynne
12/31/46    Patti Smith
12/31/47    Burton Cummings
01/03/48    Lulu
Okay, maybe this is a lame last LEEmail for the 20th century, but you're all invited to floss your teeth with my pubic hair if you don't appreciate all the other goddamn times I wrote this year, I mean - century.  I'm just tired.  But, I promise you a fantasticLEE entertaining 2001, and spankin' new website to boot.  And, always remember that I love each and every one of you like the children that you all are.
Question Of The Week 2©:  What's your New Year's Resolution?
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
LEEmail LakinLand