Wait!  Oh yes, wait a minute Mr. Postman.
Lesson One:  Never vote Absentee.  It's dreadfully obvious that your vote's hardly ever taken into account.  Which is a real drag.  And, what's the big deal with trying to find out who really won this election?  Isn't that a good thing?  Perhaps those who are afraid of a recount are afraid of losing...
Plus, did Katherine Harris dress up like Katherine Helmond from Brazil for Halloween and forget to take her costume off?  And doesn't Karen Hughes kind of remind you of Alice Nelson's cousin from the military who subbed for Alice when she went out of town and made the Bradys get up and do calisthenics every morning?
Question Of The Week 1©:  What was Alice's cousin's name and why did Alice need to leave for a week?
In What's Happening With Other Jackasses This Week©: Little Nicky not only opened in 2nd place, but made less than half of Big Daddy's opening total.  Now, THAT'S funny.
Speaking of movies, does anyone else think the new Ah-nold movie art looks like a poster for Tommy?
Okay, the first single off the Green Day record sounded just like They Might Be Giants, and the new one (the title cut) sounds just like "Picture Book".  I'll give you a "Warning", plagiarism suits can be a real bitch.
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society.  God save little shops, china cups & virginity, indeed!
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
11/17/44    Gene Clark
11/18/09    Johnny Mercer
11/18/36    Hank Ballard
11/18/50    Graham Parker
11/20/39    Dick Smothers
11/20/46    Duane Allman
11/22/21    Rodney Dangerfield
Speaking of the no respect, let me just take this opportunity to say (again) that Blur could be the most important British Band of the 90's and - much like the Kinks - their importance/influence will not be realized in their time/prime.  The new single "Music Is My Radar" from The Best Of Blur [Food/EMI] is an exceptional record.  Dig the video if you get a chance. And, I'm not saying that the Kinks were over after the 60's, either.  Misfits and Sleepwalker are stellar motherfuckers.  And I still love cranking up "Destroyer".
I realize that MNF was coming from Mile High Stadium, and that fact opened things up to a bunch of annoying Denver Mint references - but did anyone else bust out laughing when they played "The Power Of Gold" after a station break?
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Gold" - XTC
Kiss Me DeadLEE A Year Ago This Week©:
Doug Sahm, 58.  Musician (Sir Douglas Quintet / Texas Tornados).  November 18.
Horst P. Horst, 93.  Photographer.  November 18.
Quentin Crisp, 90.  Writer/performer.  November 21.
Question Of The Week 2©:  Who is the most important American band of the 90's?
Hey, you're a turkey if you're expecting a LEEmail next week.  Gobble gobble.
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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