It's beyond me.  Help me mommy.
Another debate, another shining beacon of retardation.  Bush is for "consequences".  Whether that's consequences for skating through private schools & skidding through drunk-driving convictions, mis-managing businesses into the ground or just pain being a retard - I'm not quite sure.  "Affirmative Access"?  Say that slowly and it sounds strangely like "I'm A Retarded Jackass".  Actually, if you really need a reason, you should hate him for keeping the debates to 2 candidates and saddling us with Jim Lehrer three times.  I guess I really can't understand how any of you who bought a house, got a $2000 per child tax credit or made money in the stock market these last eight years could even think of voting for Bush.  You say that Clinton was handed a recovering economy?  If he's such a moron, why didn't he screw it up in 8 years?  I'll laugh when all of you Clinton haters see the history books when we're old.  Reagan will be lambasted, Bush (George H.) will be laughed at and 1992-2000 will be looked upon as eight of our country's greatest years.  Fuck you, you idiot Republicans.  You can stick behind your ringleaders - like Newt (remember him?).  I'll take Bill.  And fuck any of you who dare to question his character.  Okay, he lied under oath ABOUT A BLOW JOB!  ABOUT A QUESTION HE SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN ASKED!  Your fucking people (see Gingrich: adulterer and his proposed replacement who was another adulterer, Helms the Nazi and countless others) are nothing but cry-baby hypocrites who can all blow me.  And I guarantee you they'd lie about it under oath, too.  Vote for Gore.  Or you'll be really goddamn sorry.  Hell, not just you - all of us.
I can't believe how many of you hate The Sound Of Music.  Man, I love that movie.  And it ain't just the curtain clothes, either.  Yeah the Liezel and Rolf number sucks.  Especially her ear splitting "Weeeeeeeeee!" at the end.  And, I could probably do without the "Gee, these kids are the greatest puppeteers, ever!" - "Yeah, but dig that yodeling" sequence.  But, you gotta love the nuns taking parts out of the car and that fat woman who wins second prize at the contest.  And the fact that Julie Andrews is HOT in that picture.  Man, if I had a governess like that, things would be a whole lot different...  Anyway, I too, used to mock it, and then I gave it 3 hours of my time.  Maybe it was the timing, or the damage years of alcohol abuse have had on my brain, but I can't get enough of those nutty Austrians.  Climb every mountain?  I'm suiting up to tackle 'em both, Maria!  I'm gonna solve your problem...
Billy Elliott sure seems like a movie I'll hate, but God bless 'em for using "Town Called Malice" in the ads.
Favorite Album Of All Time This Weekİ:  Wild Wood - Paul Weller.  The 2 disc version, natch.
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Weekİ:
10/20/36    Eddie Harris
10/20/53    Tom Petty
10/21/40    Manfred Mann
10/21/42    Steve Cropper
10/21/43    Ron Elliott
10/22/42    Annette Funicello
10/22/42    Bobby Fuller
10/22/52    Greg Hawkes
10/24/30    J.P. Richardson
10/24/36    Bill Wyman
10/25/45    Keith Hopwood
Favorite Song Of All Time This Weekİ  "I Fought The Law" - The Clash.  What a kick in the ass version that is.  One of the best covers, ever.
On the drive home today I heard "Semi-Charmed Life" from Third Eye Blind.  While I still find that to be a great single, I began to think how much better it will sound in 2008 when I'm driving around in my electric car and radio is doing "Totally 90's" weekends.  Then I thought about how incredible "Ex Girlfriend" will sound while I'm flying into work in 2015, I land at the office and my car folds up into a briefcase.
Did you all get Kid A
And, to ruin the Christmas season for all, two of the Worst Bands Of All Time All The Timeİ have new records (coming) out: Offspring and Limp Bizkit.  Where to start...  Well, the asshole Offspring have recorded another stupid song that sounds just like every other song they've ever done.  (Christ, KC & The Sunshine Band were the Beatles compared to these guys).  Just so their idiot fans would know it was them, they've ripped off the Latino-ness from their last embarrassment, "Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)"  (Remember that yukfest?  My side still fucking aches from it)  The goddamn, off key yelling from their "vocalist" is truly annoying, and when will their retarded fans realize IT'S THE SAME GODDAMN RIFF?  EVERY TIME!  Music for fucking morons.  I bet deaf people can "hear" how bad they are if they lay their hands on a speaker.  And then there's Limp Bizkit.  Interscope is estimating that they'll move 1.4 million copies of Chocolate Starfish & The Hot Dog Flavored Water in its first week.  (Funny title, eh?  Wonder if the guys from the Offspring thought of it...)  This band is a classic example of "you ain't heard anything, yet."  Of course, what you have heard is shit, and what you haven't yet is more like diarrhea.  Interscope must love sheep - people who buys records on that label must be them.
Kiss Me DeadLEE A Year Ago This Weekİ:
Hoyt Axton, 61.  Singer/Actor.  October 26.
Question Of The Weekİ:  When you hear it on the radio in 10 years, which song will really take you back and make you smile?
İ2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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