Fuzzy freaky funny family.
I love how George W. wants us to focus on character.  He's absolutely right.  What we need is a drunk driving, coke snorting, rich-bitch sheltered dyslexic fuck in the White House.  And I don't understand why he doesn't want to rely on Hussein for oil.  His father obviously did - otherwise, he would have finished what was started over there.  My God, if you watched the debate (which you should have), and you still want to vote for him - you could be as retarded as he is.  Although that may be impossible.  Please, if you really can't stand Gore, at least vote for Nader.
The mascot for Oregon State is a beaver.  The Oregon State Beavers.  Question:  Do the female sport teams use the same mascot?
Speaking of beavers, I didn't realize that Buffy premiered last week.  So, I tuned in to see episode two, and promptly tuned out 15 minutes later.  My god, it's not The Fucking Facts Of Life.  Or is it?  "Ooh, I'm gonna tell mom you slayed in front of me."  Oh yeah, I'm gonna tell Mom you ruined the last good show on television.  That horribly choreographed breakfast sequence was enough.  Come on - this little sister thing just can't work.  And the fact that they're not explaining where the hell she came from doesn't bode well for the health of the series.  Good night, Buffy.  Oh well, I have a new night during the week to can catch up on all of those DVDs I bought.
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Tuesday's Dead" - Cat Stevens
I'll tell you what's good.  Great, in fact.  Coldplay - Parachutes [Parlophone, soon to be released domestically through Nettwerk]  One of the year's best?  You goddamn bet.
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
10/08/49    Hamish Stuart
10/09/40    John Lennon
10/09/44    John Entwistle
10/10/24    Ed Wood, Jr.
10/10/55    David Lee Roth
10/11/28    Ennio Morricone
10/11/48    Daryl Hall
10/12/35    Sam Moore
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  Fair Warning - Van Halen. 
Mark David Chapman's parole was denied.  Even though he said that Lennon would have forgiven him.  Wow, too bad the only guy that would have had mercy on you is the one you KILLED, jackass.
Speaking of John, 10/10/00  sees the reissue of Double Fantasy and (quite possibly, the Greatest Album Of All Time) John Lennon: Plastic Ono Band.  Phenomenal sound (a complete remix/remaster for P.O.B.), exquisite packaging (John's handwritten lyrics for P.O.B. and a cache of unseen photos in both) and bonus tracks to boot.  The tears come not only from the loss, but from the beauty & passion John left.  I'd like to donate my old copies to Attica and see them jammed up the ass of Mr. Chapman.  No, really, I think John would forgive me for it...
The Anger Management Tour: featuring Limp Bizkit and Eminem with special guests Papa Roach and Xzibit.  Can you name another place I'll be farther away from?  Or that (if you don't want to see me behind bars) you think I should be far away from?  Why do people like John Lennon get killed, and people like Eminem & Fred Durst continue to use my air?
The new Entertainment Weekly has a cover about Gay Hollywood 2000.  And what are they celebrating?  Unfunny, overrated TV like Will & Grace, hacks like Ellen, Big Gay Al (the least funny South Park character ever) and Richard from Survivor.  I'm sorry, I thought Rudy was the entertaining one.  The only thing that was entertaining about Richard's sexuality was the fact that everyone mocked it.  There's even a six page spread where they list everyone (they can think of) who is gay & working in the Biz.  Is it a laundry list or a future "guess who's to blame" list?  I guess it's fun to think about all of the folks in the Bible Belt who'll have to throw this issue out instead of reading it, but what's the point?  And what's next?  Lefties In The Limelight?  Clymidia In Cinema?  Chicks With Dicks?  (Wait, they just did that one.)  Gay, Straight, Who Cares?  When something hinges on a gimmick, does it have any real value at all?
Kiss Me DeadLEE A Year Ago This Week©:
Robert "Gorilla Monsoon" Marella, 62.  Professional wrestler & WWF president.  October 06.
Milt Jackson, 76.  Vibraphonist and member of the MJQ.  October 09.
Question Of The Week©:  What happened to ruin a favorite TV series of yours?  (After you answer, visit www.jumptheshark.com and compare...)
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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