Another one bites the dust. 
So, Jimmy Kimmel's Man Show piece of unfunny shit is so scary good that he's dumped the only thing he's funny at, Win Ben Stein's Money.  I hope he burns in hell.  And that unfunny fuck Corolla, too. 
Clive Davis is spending $175 million to start his new J Records imprint.  $175 million.  That fucking old man needs to go away.  Hey, you had your day in the sunshine and you discovered some great artists - but it wasn't all magic, you old fuck.  What about Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic?  And I still say that Supernatural is one of the worst records in history.  It was only a hit because MTV jumped on the new Matchbox 20, er Twenty, er Santana featuring Rob Thomas single.  Will any of you who claim to like that platter of crap really want to listen to "Maria Maria" in four years?  I doubt it.  Jesus, you could add up the ages of all of the "special guests" on that record and they wouldn't equal Carlos'.  Clive, give it up.  Move over and let people with a future run the business - the people who signed the artists you "borrowed" for Santana's 70 minutes of diarrhea.  Boy, do I hope your new records and label tank.  Yeah, O Town's got double platinum written all over it.  Their fucking TV show couldn't even stay on the air, moron.
Not SurprisingLEE This Week©:  George W. Bush is still a retard.
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Dumb" - Nirvana
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
09/30/42    Frankie Lymon
09/30/47    Marc Bolan
10/01/48    Cub Koda
10/02/98    Groucho Marx
10/02/51    Gordon Sumner
10/03/38    Eddie Cochran
10/03/41    Chubby Checker
10/05/54    Bob Geldof
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  The Fine Art Of Surfacing - Boomtown Rats.  You know, it's amazing how damn solid that record still is.
Still Untitled You Need To Hang It Up This Week Segment©:  The X-Files.  Okay:  Robert Patrick's joining the cast as Scully's partner, but it's not a Darrin Stevens thing.  Duchovny's leaving, so dumbass Scully (one of television history's most annoying characters) will have an epiphany and become a "Believer" so the new guy can be the stick in the mud.  You heard me, after 19 seasons (or, at least that's how many it seems like) Gillian Anderson' character will finally realize - after seeing and pathetically reasoning away more strange things that humanly comprehensible - that she was wrong all these years.  Hey, thanks for wasting our time, bitch.  Maybe J Records should release the next soundtrack, so they can both go down in flames together.
I saw the Brian Wilson Pet Sounds Symphonic Tour this week.  I cried 5 times.  1) When Van Dyke Parks' overture (conducted by the wee man himself) hit the "Our Prayer" segment of a very Smile-heavy piece.  2) "'Til I Die"  3)  "Lay Down Burden"  4) "God Only Knows"  and 5) "Pet Sounds."  An incredible backing band, an incredible set list, an incredible night.  God bless you, Brian. 
BeLEEve The Hype This Week©:  Radiohead - Kid A.  I'm sure Thom Yorke's still a dick, but this may be the most important record released in a very long time - so I'll forgive him.  While it's certainly not something to throw on at your next party, it surely is something that reveals more & more of itself with every listen.  There's really nothing for radio here - but, fuck radio.  Let Clive release some shit for radio.  This record is a treasure.  (Be sure to look underneath the tray for an added bonus...)
Britannica.com has jumped on the bandwagon and is explaining Dumbass Miller's Monday Night Football references.  http://www.britannica.com/bcom/original/article/0,5744,12332,00.html  Is it still good press if all it does is make fun of what an asshole you are?
The Grinch.  Can someone please explain the purpose for this film to me?  Ooh, but it's Jim Carrey!  Hell, it could be Jim Nabors considering all of that make-up.  How the hell are they going to stretch it out to 80+ minutes and keep it remotely interesting?  The original, animated version is perfection.  Why fuck with that, Opie?  Anyone who is planning on seeing that train wreck - please unsubscribe now.
Question Of The Week©:  What's the most pointless remake in film history?
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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