Put me in Coach.  I'm ready to play today.
Indiana University finally fired Bobby Knight.  Why didn't they institute the Zero Tolerance policy 29 years ago when he started hitting students?  All I can really say is that there sure was no shortage of clips of him making a complete jackass out of himself on the court to use on the news.  And that ESPN interview...  Oh - you grabbed the student because he said "Hey, Knight" instead of "Hey, Coach Knight or Hey Mr. Knight."  Well, that excuses it all.  Get some therapy or at least take some anger management courses, Knight - er, Mr. Knight.  It's really apparent that you've got some issues.  C'mon old man, you're a tenured professor at a prestigious University.  I'm sure you know someone who can help you.
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "The Chokin' Kind" - Joe Simon
Speaking of sports jackasses - this just in:  Dennis Miller still sucks.
Now, I've never seen The West Wing, but there's no fucking way it's better than The Sopranos in any way, shape or form.   Why, you ask?  Two words:  Rob Lowe.
So Pearl Jam has official bootlegs available on their website.  $12.98 for a double CD.  Great deal.  Great band.  But c'mon - I love rearviewmirror as much as the next guy, but does there need to be 15 live versions of it available?  I'll wait for cash cow mach II, when they put out the 4CD "Best O' The Bootlegs box set.
Speaking of multi-disc sets, Rhino Handmade sure has a swell one out now in The Monkees Headquarters Sessions.  Now, all of you purveyors of perfection know that Headquarters is one fine, goddamn album.  This 3 CD geek fest is a treat for anyone who loves that record, and an unlistenable nightmare for anyone who doesn't.  With packaging elements stolen from The Beach Boys Pet Sounds Sessions box, the set is a fantastic insight into the recording of this gem, complete with loads of studio banter which proves that those four wholesome boys could swear like sailors and that they smoked a whole lotta dope.  Plus, Disc Three includes the original (and abandoned) track line-up for the record in mono.  A beautiful release, through & through.  (Don't miss reading the fine print, either...)  So, far they're about even on the hits vs. misses quotient, but do yourself a favor and check out the goods at www.rhinohandmade.com.  
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  Magnetic South - Michael Nesmith & The First National Band.
Rats.  Nope, not talking about Survivor - I'm talking about the asshole, idiot Republicans and their dyslexic, retard of a poster boy, George W. Bush.  Jesus, he's the white, afro-less Macy Gray.  No wonder he didn't want to have debates, the short bus don't stop at the TV studios.  Subliminable?  Christ, how could you even think of voting for him?
LEE On DVD This Week©:  Jaws [Universal]  Somethin' smells like fish here, and it ain't crotch.  If you buy one DVD this season, don't buy Jaws.  Sure - it's a fantastic film.  But, the wait for good Spielberg films on DVD are tainted by the half-assed release of this gem.  Firstly, for a 2+ hour film, there are only 20 chapters.  This means that the sections are an average of 10 minutes apiece, which means that you can't access scenes, but only groups of them.  The deleted scenes and outtakes are not only stupid, but not indexed - so you have to watch them as a reel.  (Not that you'd ever watch them again after suffering through them once.)  And, Stevie's complaint about DVD sound being substandard produced a DVD with sound so uneven, it's distracting.  The looping is terribly obvious and the only thing that's really in surround is the music.  Crap.  Wait for a used copy, or for it to show up in the DVD cut-out bins.  (Ooh, DVD cut-out bins.  There's a thought...)
Question Of The Week©:  The employees of Agydol Ltd. are hurriedly compiling tracks for this year's compilation.  What's the record released this year that I may not have heard, but sure should listen to?
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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