That little faggot got his own jet airplane. That little faggot he's a millionaire.
Holy shit.  A look back to LEEmail of 06/01 contained this interesting observation from the first show:  I wish they'd have voted Richard the fag off of the island/show instead of Sonja the hag ...  Weird, huh?  Two hours of brilliant television later, the Big Gay Naked Dick Hatch walked away with a million bucks.  Unbelievable.  Well, not really in the scope of things - he certainly played to win.  And did.  But you've got to give kudos to Kelly.  Five challenges in a row; all necessary to stay in the game.  That's survival.  How about Susan's bitter little production number?  That monologue could have either been from the 5th act of a Shakespeare tragedy or the 2nd half-hour of All My Children.  I wonder how she felt when she saw the episode where Richard told her it would be the two of them in the final two, and then turned around and told Rudy the same thing.  Might want to rethink who was the rat there, Tina Tapioca.  But, what a speech it was.  Uncalled for, certainly.  Embarrassing, definitely.  Entertaining, you betcha.  Gervace redeemed himself with his assessment of Sue's tirade, and Greg holds onto the title of Most Hated Castaway due to his smug attitude and general jackass-ness.  God, is he a dick.  Most of all, you've got to feel for Rudy, who got hosed by Dick in the Tiki challenge - but, thanks to his military brainwashing, kept his word till the end and voted for his homoseckshall teammate.  I would have liked to see Rudy walk away with it all.  He is certainly one of the most entertaining personalities I've ever seen on television.  Fire Dennis Miller and put Rudy on Monday Night Football.  "Hey Rudy, who scored that touchdown?"  "Ahhhh, I dunno."  What a great 13 weeks.  For those of you who didn't watch, started late or decided to boycott the show due to its popularity, you'll have a chance to see it when CBS runs it in a 13 night marathon opposite NBC's Olympic coverage.  For those of you who've resisted - try it, you might like it.  In a similar vein, there's this group called the Beatles, and they made some really great records.  You might want to check some of their music out, too.  But, then again, they are pretty popular...
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "TV Is King" - The Tubes.
Hopefully they won't be re-running that horrible town-hall meeting hosted by Bryant "CBS gave me a huge contract and I'm not delivering so they're trying everything to get people to watch my lame ass so they don't look too stupid" Gumbel.  Jeez, and I thought the Diane Sawyer/Michael & Lisa Marie interview was lame.  Hey Genius, Colleen said that there was another romance on the island.  Why didn't you follow up on that?  Hey Stupidass, two people (including the winner) have had problems with the law as of late.  How about bringing that up?  It was live!  Shake it up, you turd.  Man, even the Survivors looked bored.  More frightening than the site of Bryant's giant head was The Late Show - direct from Dachau.  Man, Dave & Paul look like they've been in a concentration camp for the last few years.  And they're not funny.  Remember when Dave was funny?  And I want to see a cage match between that poof from Rosie O'Donnell's show and Paul.  A fight to the death.  Followed by the execution of the winner.
People are wondering why Anne Heche is walking around disoriented.  Maybe it's because her meal ticket finally realized she liked cock and that she wasn't a vag-atarian after all.
Anyone notice that the new Green Day single sounds like it could be a They Might Be Giants song?  And that the Papa Roach tune "Last Resort" is a "Brain Stew" rip-off?  Just wondering.
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
08/25/49    Gene Simmons
08/25/54    Elvis Costello
08/26/46    Valerie Simpson
08/30/35    John Phillips
08/30/41    John McNally
08/31/45    Van Morrison
I was watching the H.R. Pufnstuf DVD [Rhino] the other day, and on it there's an episode where Pufnstuf's movie star sister Shirley comes to Living Island to make a movie.  Witchiepoo wants to be in the movie and puts on a disguise to get cast.  The name she uses while she's in the disguise -Lola Lollapalooza. 
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  Nothing's Shocking - Jane's Addiction
Question Of The Week©:  What was the last revelation you had while watching or listening to something from your childhood/past?
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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