I would do anything for love but I won't do that.
Meat Loaf - To Hell & Back [VH-1]  I don't know which was worse - sitting through the insufferably bad lip-syncs of the ridiculously long edits of the songs or the ever changing width of the puttied gap put between Meat's teeth.  I mean, come on - when you think of Meat Loaf, the first thing that comes to your mind is the teeth, right?  And we all know that the songs are long - but the fact that they had so much "performance" time led me to believe that there really wasn't a two-hour movie to be made.  Fat kid gets picked on by drunk Dad until he becomes a big star, loses it all and gets it back.  Sounds like a tidy hour to me.  How about that Todd segment?  I've seen Todd Rundgren, I know a lot about Todd Rundgren, Todd Rundgren's a favorite of mine.  Senator, that was no Todd Rundgren.  Anyway, there was less drama in the two hours of that phlegm than there is in even the shortest Jim Steinman song, and these terrible biopics are the sure sign that VH-1 is slowly becoming your parent's MTV.  Why can't somebody just show two goddamn hours of videos for a change?  The only high point of the film was watching the dollar signs fly by as the licensed footage from Rocky Horror was cut together with more bad lip-synching.  And the bad Tim Curry impersonation was a hoot, too.
They're shutting down Napster.  Temporarily.  Hoo-ray.  Judge Patel said in court "Evidence has been established of copyright infringement, which should be no surprise to Napster, since that was the purpose of it.  Napster was, and continues to be, a way to copy music without the permission of the copyright holders."  I heard a better description which likened Napster to record stores that carry bongs & pipes.  These stores know full well that the accessories will be used to smoke illegal substances - yet they sell them under the guise of people buying them to smoke tobacco.  Yeah, when's the last time you saw someone smoking a bong load of tobacco?  Now, the trick will be to locate and prosecute any other little tech-fucks who start up Napster-esque sites.  I'd personally like to piss on their hard drives.
What is up with the new ABC campaign that uses The Cars' "You're All I've Got Tonight"?  Who's all who's got tonight?  That's not a very positive song to use to get people to watch your programming.  In fact, it's insulting in any way you direct it.  "You can knock me, I don't care.  You can mock me and I don't care...it's all right.  You're all I've got tonight."  Who is the dumbass that approved that campaign?
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "TV Is King" - The Tubes
I am thoroughly creeped out by those sandwich size pickles.  Are they cut from gigantic cucumbers or do they "make" them with a pickle cutter & a pickle sheet?  And, it's not like pickles on hamburgers are even a good idea in the first place.  Okay, you got your texture issue - but onions have the same texture quotient and taste much better.  I say stay away.  No good can come from a pickle with a 5" diameter.
I realized this week that I really like Judas Priest.
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
07/28/40    Phil Proctor
07/30/33    Edd "Kookie" Byrnes
07/31/45    Gary Lewis
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  I Think We're All Bozos On This Bus - Firesign Theatre
Yee-ah.  Colleen gets a little cranky when she don't get no cock, don't she.  And hooray for Rudy.  Remember the Survivor motto starts with "out-wit".  Not nit-wit, Sean.  Or, should we start calling you Dr. Dumbass?  Gee, letting everyone know when they'll be voted off is a good idea because...?  Okay, you stupid fuck - your stupid plan saved Gervase and now it's saved Richard.  Well, Colleen has Dick on the island for at least another three days...
Have any of you poor, deaf souls who bought any Alanis Morrissette record tried to play it recently?  I heard "You Oughtta Know" on the radio the other day, and besides sounding tremendously dated, it's even more of a cluttered, cacophonous caterwaul than I remember.  I just wonder if that song or "Ironic" will be the one-hit she's wondered for.
Question Of The Week©:  Which is the better Jim Steinman song - "Making Love Out Of Nothing At All" or "Total Eclipse Of The Heart"?
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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