Jealous.  Jealous again.

Even if you didn't like the "execution" of The Blair Witch Project, you have to at least admire the premise.  And you gotta admit that The Curse of The Blair Witch was stunningLEE good.  Well, those nutty folks have done it again with another fantastic mockumentary called The Burkittsville 7, currently running on Showtime.  It's a big teaser for this Halloween's BW2 - of which, I'll be in goddamn line for.  See this is you can.  If you can't, I'm sure you'll all be reading about it in LEE On DVD This Weekİ next summer.

Favorite Song Of All Time This Weekİ:  "Spooky" - Classics IV

If Gervase had been voted off last week (or the week before, or the week before), his lame ass couldn't have won immunity this week.  But, I'm really glad to see Greg go.  Hell, you think Big Gay Al is annoying & manipulative?  Big Dumbass Greg certainly showed his true colors this week, and dropped the cocoanut phone, and showtunes when he found it wouldn't fly because he was no linger in a team solely comprised by retards.  Well, dropping his shtick for fauxmosexuality got his unfunny, stupid ass voted off.  And, I'm not even going to go into that creepy, incestuous home video...  You know, you really gotta hand it to Dick.  Greg was the closest thing to nookie that Richard had on that island, and for a million bucks, I'd bet Greg would have downed protein of any kind.  Butt - er, but Richard and the alliance spoke and Greg's gone now.  Notice how no one laughed at his hilarity as he left. 

Speaking of nookie, Limp Bizkit can't find a venue to host their free Napster tour in Los Angeles.  Now, if we could only find radio stations that wouldn't play their music and retail outlets that won't sell their vomit we'd be in business.

Happy Birthday To Thee This Week From LEEİ:

07/21/47    Cat Stevens
07/22/40    George Clinton
07/22/47    Albert Brooks
07/23/88    Raymond Chandler
07/25/43    Jim McCarty
07/26/43    Mick Jagger

 Favorite Album Of All Time This Weekİ: Element Of Light - Robyn Hitchcock & The Egyptians

 And, no, it's not because I work there now - but you really need to pick up the new batch of Beach Boys reissues:  Sunflower/Surf's Up and In Concert [Capitol]  Now, I don't need to tell you how good these records are because I already have.  You just need to buy them.  Stellar packaging which replicates nearly all of the original LP art and stunning, stunning sound.  If you haven't heard Sunflower and/or Surf's Up, you really owe it to yourself to do so.  Quickly.  And, it's just a few weeks until the Carl & The Passions - So Tough/Holland two-fer (2 CDs, due to the length - still at a very reasonable $16.98 list.)  Add some music to your day, indeed!

 Question Of The Weekİ:  What's the best two-fer CD in history, and what's your dream two-fer?

İ2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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