What you have seen you must believe - if you can.
Okay, the biggest mistake in sports television history could be the addition of Dennis Miller to Monday Night Football.  Give me a fucking break.  Don Ohlmeyer said that he knows Miller "will bring a different and unique perspective to our telecast."  Yeah - an annoying one.  The last thing MNF needs is someone who can't keep their goddamn mouth shut.  And, while they thankfully got rid of Lesley Visser, who served absolutely no purpose on the show other than to do pathetic interviews on the sidelines during plays - there's a new chick on the block, Michelle Stark.  Why?  Why does there have to be a woman there?  Women who watch football watch it because they like the game - not because there's someone there they can identify with.  And it's not like they pick women that turn men on.  No football watching guy is going to get aroused by a woman who knows more about football than he does.  Stupid stupid stupid.  I give Miller 3 games before ABC gets so inundated with calls that they yank his ass and put him back on HBO - where no one watches him anyway.  If the powers that be really feel the need to have him do a sports gig, let him commentate for something that warrants making fun of.  Like the WNBA.
Of course, bad television had a poster child this week in The Monkees: Daydream Believers [VH1]  Now, it's not like I was expecting anything great, but with an Executive Producer like Harold Bronson - I didn't expect blue Colgems labels, Bob Rafelson & Bert Schneider combined and written as a character named "Van" and the complete dismissal of all post Kirschner Monkees music as crap.  Yeah, Headquarters was such a flop that Rhino Handmade's releasing a 3CD set of sessions & outtakes.  Yeah, Micky & Davy were not interested in the music part of it - which is why Changes (the final Monkees record) featured ONLY MICKY & DAVY.  It also was less than kind to Head.  What was Bronson thinking?  It reminded me of the Justus fiasco, which did nothing but solidify the negative aspects of the Monkees legend in doubters' minds.  The Behind The Music fared much better.
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "As We Go Along" - The Monkees.
On the good TV front, Survivor continues to entertain me.  Maybe Dirk wasn't praying hard enough.  The lack of bonin' in the jungle (or at least, the unfulfilled promise of it) left me feeling a little cheated.  I did enjoy the beginning of the "we're lovers/we're friends" thang that's gonna erupt.  But, Greg, why the hell do you think you got an ear infection.  Holding a cocoanut up to your ear for a few days ain't exactly brilliant.
Kiss Me DeadLEE A Year Ago This Week©:
Mario Puzo, 78.  Author/Screenwriter.  July 02
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
06/30/17    Lena Horne
06/30/43    Florence Ballard
07/01/45    Debbie Harry
07/06/25    Bill Haley
07/06/53    Nanci Griffith
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  Autoamerican - Blondie.  "Angels On The Balcony" - it don't get much better than that one, kids.
Well, Prince Wills sure is a fine looking kid - but somebody's gotta talk to him about those vests.  Yeesh.  That's some ugly shit, dude.
Speaking of limeys, I saw Chicken Run last weekend and highly recommend it.  Very funny, very nice to look at and very British.  I laughed a lot.  Then cried because I realized how much money I spent at Ralph's to get those passes...
You know what else I'm digging in the yukmouth arena?  The 1900 House on PBS.  Now, that's what public television should be about.  Not just learning your ABC's but lessons on how to make your own maxi pads out of a towel & a suspender.  Jesus, Cathy Rigby could sleep in one of those.  Anyway, I'm a little disappointed that it will all be over next week.  I wanted to see them all slowly go mad or watch them lose one of the twins to consumption or something.  And the thing they forgot about that little brat Joe who wouldn't eat is that there were spankings back in 1900, too.  Next time, they should do the 900 House.  Or the 1900 B.C. House.  "Next week, The Bowlers get the wheel..."
Another heapin' helpin of shepherd's pie is this week's LEE on DVD This Week©;  Topsy Turvy [USA Home Entertainment]  A great film that left me satisfied, but rather cold.  I understand that Mike Leigh explains why the film starts somewhere and ends nowhere in the vignette, but I shouldn't have to watch supplemental material to understand what he was thinking.  Just as Amadeus was an entrancing introduction to the music of Mr. Mozart, TT will do the same for anyone who's interested in the works of Gilbert & Sullivan (or at least The Mikado). And, much like Amadeus, this is a beautiful film to watch, and a film filled with fantastic performances.  As far as the tech stats go, nice animated menu and informative supplements.  It's a keeper, gov.
Speaking of G & S, watching it made me think of the Brady Bunch episode where Alice won the stereo and Mr. Brady brought home "The Best Of Gilbert & Sullivan."  A wandering minstrel I, indeed.  What a fag.
Speaking of fags, the Supreme Court ruled that the Boy Scouts could discriminate against homosexuals.  I don't know why.  Think about the merit badge possibilities:  learn to suck a dick, then tie a sheepshank in it.
Question Of The Week©:
Which band do you want to see a TV movie made about and who would you cast as the principals?
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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