I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
41 Shots.  Gee Bruce, are you saying that if Amalou Diallo had a wallet the size of yours there wouldn't have been any problem?  What a jack-off.  I read one account of a cop in the paying crowd at the first of the Madison Square Garden shows who turned his back, raised his arm and flew the bird during the song.  Right on, Officer.  "But, Lee, freedom of speech!   Bruce has the right to write a song about whatever he wants!"  Well, he's too much of a pussy to come right out and explain whether the song is anti-cop, anti-violence or anti-tragedy - but inviting Diallo's family to the show sure sends up a red flag in my book.  And, I heard a clip of it (no pun intended).  Nice to know that Human Touch wasn't the worst thing he's written.  Hey Boss, I've got some "American Skin" between my legs.  Come have a taste.
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Shot In The Dark" - Utopia
Another Old Man LEE's Mad At This Week© is Mr. Todd Rundgren.  He's got a new record out this week - One Long Year [Artemis].  Well, it's not really a new record.  Most of it is stuff that he's done through his "subscription" gig.  You know the drill - give him money up front, and you can hear his works in progress.  Cool concept.  The problem is that the stuff he's doing sucks.  The record has 10 tracks: one's a leftover from With A Twist - "Love Of The Common Man" (same band as WAT in the credits, so it's obviously been in the can for a while), one's a leftover track from Ever Popular T A E - "Where Does The Time Go?" (which is a GREAT tune, but came out two years ago on the Somewhere/Anywhere? comp.), one's a recording of the new, insipid "Bang The Drum All Day/Lion Sleeps Tonight" medley he does on ukulele at every goddamn show now, and another's a bullshit instrumental.  That leaves 6 "new songs", which are fair at best (with the exception of two stupid internet related tracks "I Hate My Frickin' ISP" and "The Surf Talks" which are just plain embarrassing).  Stay away from this one.  At least his production work has been stellar of late.  I highly recommend Splendor's Halfway Down The Sky, 12 Rods Separation Anxieties and The New America from Bad Religion. 
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  We're An American Band - Grand Funk Railroad
I saw Minnie Pearl on Family Feud this week.  I just don't understand what was in any way appealing about that woman/character.  I guess it's the same "White Trash Is A Good Thing" aesthetic that no talents like Kid Rock are embracing today.
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
06/16/48    Brian Eno
06/18/42    Paul McCartney
06/19/42    Elaine "Spanky" McFarlane
06/19/51    Ann Wilson
06/20/20    Chet Atkins
06/20/42    Brian Wilson
06/21/44    Ray Davies
06/21/48    Joey Molland
06/22/47    Howard Kaylan
06/22/48    Todd Rundgren
Well, they finally kicked someone off Survivor that I wanted to see go.  Sure, you ate the bugs Stacy - but you did it for the team, didn't you?  Or did you?  What an annoying cunt.  They should have cut her up and used her for rat bait.
Question Of The Week©:  What's the best socially-conscious song? 
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
LEEmail LakinLand