They're gonna put me in the movies.  They're gonna make a big star out of me.
Now, really - there's less of me in the characters in High Fidelity than those of you who know me would like to think.  But, I'll tell you this: I know those people, I worked with them and I took their money.  Folks, this is a fine, fine film on a number of levels and I highly recommend seeing it.  There's an aspect of it that will really click for anyone who has a passion (read as: obsession) with music, but it also stands on its own for those of you who don't care if your spines are centered.  Aside from a fine adaptation, acting and soundtrack - it's a fun trip through Chicago.  (Thank God someone captured Lounge Ax on film before it vanishes)  I laughed out loud and I guarantee you will during one scene. One major problem though, everybody knows that "The River" is the last song on the (second) side, not the first.
Have you seen the Hyundai ad with Hendrix's "Freedom" as the soundtrack?  For some reason, I find that way creepier than Fred Astaire dancing with a vacuum.
Speaking of bad television...  Sweet Jesus, I waited - what was it, 14 weeks for a new Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, and I got... got that piece of shit?   Boy, not scary, not funny... not good.  Thank God I gave up on Angel weeks ago.  Probably saved me another hour of boredom.  And saved you from another ellipse...
You want good TV?  Watch Rotten Television [VH1].  Hell, almost makes you forgive them for The List.
Favorite Album Of All Time This Weekİ:  The Flowers Of Romance - Public Image Ltd.
So Diana Ross is putting the Supremes back together and taking the act on the road.  Of course, it's not the Supremes you'd know.  It's the Supremes they got to replace Diana when she left.  And even a replacement of a replacement.  Di(v)ana's calling it the Return To Love Tour.  Oh yeah, I bet Mary Wilson just fucking LOVES the idea.   Reflections of the way life used to be, indeed!
Favorite Song Of All Time This Weekİ:  "Let's Stay Together" - Al Green
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Weekİ:
04/07/15    Billie Holiday
04/07/49    John Oates
04/07/51    Janis Ian
04/09/32    Carl Perkins
04/10/11    Martin Denny (everyone have a Mai Tai to celebrate...)
04/12/23    Tiny Tim
04/13/46    Al Green
You know, on May 23rd, the world will be a better place.  Trust me, I've stood in the light of Wasp Star: Apple Venus, vol 2.
LEE on DVD This Week:  The Sixth Sense [Hollywood].  Not having seen the 11th biggest money maker of all time in the theater and still not knowing the "surprise", I sure was excited to see this one.  Unfortunately, my wife figured it out about 10 minutes in, and the movie - from that point on - played directly into the hand of her prediction.  But, who cares, it was still a great film.  Really.  Scary, clever and exceptionally well executed.  But somebody explain the Oscar nod for Toni Collette to me.  Is it because they gave Paltrow an Oscar for doing a British dialect 2 years ago, that they felt the need to nominate Collette for doing an American one?  Anyway, the DVD has some nice extras; including deleted scenes (with intros from M. Night Shamalamadingdong), a "Rules & Clues" section (which examines the "secret"), trailers and all of the other crap you get on most DVDs nowadays.  It was refreshing to me to see a film that deserved to be attended by hoards of people, and was.  So, Academy Award Winner American Beauty retains the title of LEEst Favorite Best Picture Nominee This Yearİ, behind (above?) The Insider & The Sixth Sense.  This week (and apparently all of it) will be spent with The Green Mile.
Question Of The Weekİ:  What's the most unwatchable Best Picture winner?
İ2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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