I've been taken for lost and gone and unknown for a long long time.
'The Beach Boys: An American Family' - Okay, I knew Murry was an asshole, but I didn't know that Billy Murray's Todd character was based on Brian and that Dennis' story warranted the most screen time of the 5.  I just thought Dennis fucked a lot, drank a lot and drowned (oh, the irony - washed up on the beach, boy)  Poor Carl, the one who kept things going, once again left out in the cold.  You know who should be really pissed?  Charles Manson.  That scene in the studio made him out to be a complete no talent.  I've got the record.  He's not that, well...that bad.  Hell, Axl & the boys did a mean cover of "Look At Your Game, Girl."  (Great minds...)  And, Manson got 8 times the screen time that 'Smile' got.  There's logic.  Why should a four hour movie about the Beach Boys focus on the incredible music they made?  What do you expect from a fucknut producer like John Stamos?  I'm surprised Rebecca Arugula Stamos didn't get a cameo as one of the chicks Mike Love fucked.  I watched all 4 hours of that train wreck.  And, just who the hell was John Stamos supposed to be in his cameo at the end, Ricky Fataar?  [Sigh]  Why do we beat ourselves over the head with these kinds of stories, let alone watch them?  It should be like what happens when you listen to an album like Michael Jackson's 'Dangerous'.  You forget that he was diddling little boys and get lost in a great album.  Let's remember the Beach Boys in the same way.  Diddling little boys.  And making great records. 
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  'Beach Boys In Concert' [Brother - soon to be re-issued by Capitol]  I was listening to a cassette of one of the CBS re-issues from ten years ago, and - while I'm not a fan of live records - there's some great stuff on this gem (recorded in 1972 / 1973).  Of note: a KICK ASS live version of "Heroes & Villains". 
So, Burt Bacharach & Don Was are the musical directors of The Oscars this year.  Sweet Lord, have you seen Don Was lately?  Don Was Skinny is more like it.  I guess he's been spending all that Chris Gaines money on doughnuts. 
Hey, I know exercise videos are easy fodder, but have you ever tried to actually DO one of them?  I ain't laughin' so hard, anymore.
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week:
03/04/44    Mary Wilson
03/07/45    Arthur Lee
03/08/45    Micky Dolenz
03/09/33    Lloyd Price
03/09/42    Mark Lindsay
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Shorty Blackwell" - The Monkees.  Check your archives - I bet it was the same one last year.  Be friends with me, indeed - be friends with meeeeeeeeee...
Steely Dan's first record in a hell of a long time ('Two Against Nature' [Giant]) is finally out.  Now, if you're not a fan of Steely Dan, I'm sorry.  If you are - rejoice.  This ain't no C, R, A & P 'Looking Forward' piece of shit - this is tha muthafuckin' record, kids.  All the hooks, twists and turns you love are there.  Tight, clever and groove-alicious.  Believe the hype.  Plus, after all this time, they can STILL make your stereo sound way better than anyone else can.  And, just to make us all feel real old...(Hey) "Nineteen" would be a 40 year old woman today.
Kiss Me DeadLEE A Year Ago This Week©:
Richard Kiley, 76.  Actor, Broadway's original "Man Of La Mancha".  March 05.
Stanley Kubrick, 70.  Director extraordinaire.  March 07.
Peggy Cass, 74  Actress, game show panelist extraordinaire.  March 08.
Speaking of ol' nutball Stanley, Warner Home Video is issuing "Eyes Wide Shut" in its theatrical version, complete with Disney Dudes In Robes during the orgy scene.  I still haven't seen it yet, so it will probably be best to see the version that everyone was so hot or cold about.  I just find it strange that his legacy has been tarnished by the home video market.  Of course, he's the jackass who said that he liked pan & scan.  He though letterboxing was "confusing & distracting".  Gee, maybe that's because HE WAS INSANE.  You can't tell me that there's nothing in the can that they could have added as bonus features.  Whatever.  Hey, maybe they'll tag a "Battlefield Earth" trailer on for Tom & Nicole...
LEE on DVD This Week©:  Well, since I've been trying to catch up on Oscar shit and watching tapes of the fabulous 'Sopranos', I haven't been too much in touch with my digital friend.  But, I bought a copy of "Subspecies IV: Bloodstorm" [Full Moon].  Why?  Well, I really like to support Full Moon Productions because I think they do a great job at keeping decent and fun horror alive on film, and my wife just LOVES that Radu Vladislas, the vampire.  Here's the gig, it's pure Full Moon - which means it's gory, there're some laughs and some exposed boobs.  Very limited bonus features, but there are a few:  a commercial for the "Puppetmaster" toy line, filmographies for the cast (which, not surprisingly, are mostly Full Moon pictures), previews and the Videozone "magazine".  Of course, you'd get all of this stuff on the VHS version (aside from the filmographies).  Hey, if you're a fan of the genre, rent this puppy - you'll have fun.  And don't worry, you didn't have to see parts I, II & III first.  Although I have.  But, I'm not sure that's anything to brag about.
Question Of The Week©:
What's your favorite horror movie?  (No points for saying "Showgirls".)
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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