I feel the earth move under my feet, I feel the sky tumbling down.
Never move.  Ever.  Especially if you have lots of CDs.  And toys.  And CDs.
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  'Shazam' - The Move
So, 'Malcolm in The Middle' may not be the ultimate yuk-fest we've been led to believe it is - but I may be hooked.
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
01/21/41    Robin Trower
01/22/35    Sam Cooke
01/23/19    Ernie Kovacs
01/23/52    Robin Zander
01/24/41    Neil Diamond
01/26/34    Huey "Piano" Smith
01/26/57    Eddie Van Halen
01/27/18    Elmore James
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  'The Happy Organ' - See 01/26/34
So, I hope you've all been to the newly revamped theLEEpage:  http://theleepage.homepage.com   Any questions for J.J.?
Kiss Me DeadLEE Last Year This Week©: 
Susan Strasberg, 60.   Actress & Daughter of LEE - er Lee Strasberg.  January 21.
Charles Brown, 76.  Blues pianist, singer & composer.  January 21.
LEE On DVD This Week©:
Disney rentals abound.
'Hercules'  Man,  this one's bad.  FirstLEE (a la "Hunchback") the story's been mutilated beyond repair.  It's mythology, read the book.  Zues can't fuck around?  Why not?  He's a God?  And Hera tried to kill the kid, she didn't cry over his exit from Olympus.  Good God, Mouse - get it straight.  SecondLEE, the songs stink.  Donny needs to go back to "Yo Yo" & "Crazy Horses" and forget about this feck.  ThirdLEE, the animation is really lousy.  Skiperino.
'Mulan' Ah ha!  Here's a winner.  Fantastic animation, a great story and songs that I can sit through.  And Eddie Murphy is a scream.  Really dug this one.  Both had pretty lousy extra features, considering Disney's Rape Me pricing structure.  They come with a "making of" featurette, and music videos.  But at a $39.99 list, I want a freakin' Hun bringing me another martini while a goddess does a little dance for me.  Know what I mean, jelly bean?
I caught some of some unbelievable piece of shit modern opera crap about New York on PBS this week.  Any help on who might have written it...so I can kill them?
Question Of The Week©:  What's your favorite album rock staple from the late 70's?
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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