The roof.  The roof.  The roof is on fire.

Who bought CD burners this week?
Garthbrooksaschrisgainesnews©:  WE HAVE SOLICITATION!  Sweet Jesus, it's hitting September 28 - with a prime-time NBC special September 29th.  I hear from my CG source that the packaging for the 1st run (which I also heard was 4 million) will have a holographic CD and supercool art.  It's happening.  The most undefinable event in music history.  Strap yourselves in.  Lives may be lost in the fervor of Gainesmania!  Figure out amongst yourselves who will call to check on me on the 30th.  (A good night's sleep after the NBC special, natch.)
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Flavor Of The Month"  - The Posies
Two words:  Cafe Tacuba.  Two more:  Wow.  Wow.  Another: Wow.
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
09/03/34    Freddie King
09/06/43    Roger Waters
09/07/36    Buddy Holly
09/08/32    Patsy Cline
09/09/41    Otis Redding
Speaking of Pink Floyd, someone put on "The Division Bell" at work the other day, and - between yawns - I wondered why Harold Budd didn't sue David "Anything You Can Eat, I Can Eat More Of" Gilmour for RAPING him in the intro/outro of that piece of crap.
And I'm NOT the only one who knows the splendor of Owsley.   Check out http://www.recordboy.com/reviews/index.html
I'll extend the apologies to Harry.
So, there's a Faces best of out on Rhino called 'Good Boys...While They're Asleep".  I don't understand something.  I have a Jap copy of 'A Nod Is As Good As A Wink...' (MAN, whatta record), and it sounds great.  So, Warner Brothers issues the catalog a few years ago and it sounds like they mastered the CD's underneath a pillow.  Muddy as hell.  I heard the domestic 'Nod' and thought, "Damn, there goes a nice soundin' 'Ooh La La'". (And, of course, they didn't do the art for it right anyway...)  Anyhoo, this comp has the same shitty (read as: substandard) sound as those, but there is one unreleased tune called "Open To Ideas" which makes it kind of a must.  Again, I thank the Lord for promos.  And, ooh, I miss Ronnie.
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  'Rough Mix' - Pete Townshend & Ronnie Lane. 
HistoricalLEE Speaking This Week©:
09/07/86    Mike Nesmith joins the Monkees during the encore at LA's Greek Theatre.  (He didn't show up at the ACC.  Just Morgan Fairchild.)
Speaking of the Greek...
Chewy Granola Suite:  I wrote Quaker about their crummy (see ad pun statute) ads, and got this...
>Thanks for contacting us.
>We're so glad you liked our ad for Quaker Chewy Granola Bars....
So, they didn't read my "letter" and I got NO FREE SNAX.  Screw Quaker.  No one buy their product.  At least until they learn a little lesson in "customer service".  Who do they think they are, Chris Gaines?
Okay, who ARE Arlene Francis and Kitty Carlisle - and why the FUCK are they so good at their respective games?
Also, just to let you know, as "unpleasant" as last week's QOTW© may have been to some readers, I received more responses to it than any other in recent history.  So, put that in your delta and paper it.
Question Of The Week©:
Pick one TV star from your childhood that you would LOVE to have sex with.  The star will be exactly as they were on the screen in the sack.  Except naked.  And horny.  (No shows that premiered after 1976 will be allowed.)
©1999 Lee M. Lodyga
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