It's The End Of The World As We Know It And I Feel Fine.
Millennium this, millennium that.  Fuck the millennium.  And will people cut it out with the lists?  Who are we to judge what was great or worthy of remembrance?  Hell, if all of this hoo-ha would have fallen years ago - what would we be celebrating as revolutionary and timeless?  The Anita Kerr Singers?  If all of the computers DO crash, hopefully it'll erase all of these insipid millennium lists.
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  'Goodbye Jumbo' - World Party
Speaking of "The List", I entered the contest to be a panelist.  I didn't get picked.  'Nuff said.
I hope you folks are watching 'Buffy, The Vampire Slayer' - more importantly, I hope you watched last week's exceptional "Hush".  That was truly one of the finest hours of television, ever.  And it's consistent.  Shove those dramadies up your ass.  Watch a comedy if you want a comedy, a drama if you don't.  Don't patronize crap shows whose writers can't sustain a genre for even a half hour.  Christ, don't you people remember the last seasons of M*A*S*H, or any episode billed as "a very special..."?  "This week's (enter crap show here) will make you stop laughing long enough to think/cry/stick a scalloped potato up your butt."  Fuck you.  Take my advice (as you should always do), it don't get no better than 'Buffy'.
So, I was watching the MTV Top Videos Ever Made fiasco last weekend.  While watching a-ha's "Take On Me" (which still looks great - btw), I wondered why the evil racing dudes with monkey wrenches didn't club the other band members while they had a chance.  Hell, it might have saved us from "The Living Daylights".  And "Thriller" is the best video ever made?  That's the video that RUINED music videos.  "Hey, let's take a mediocre song, and make it longer by putting a stupid dance sequence (or 4) in it - and, just for kicks - let's write some pointless dialogue for the singers, who can't act their ways out of paper bags, to say!"  Hell, give me A Flock Of Seagulls' "I Ran" with the camera in the mylar, anyday.  "Thriller"?  Please.  The chick sucks, it's WAY too long, and Michael doesn't even look remotely like that anymore before or after he turns into a ghoul).  Plus, it's the same song as "Off The Wall", which was the same song as "Boogie Nights", which was the same song as "The Groove Line".  (Yeah, yeah I know, same guy wrote them all, but that's no excuse).  Thank God Foo Fighters were around to point out all of the great videos that didn't make MTV's list.  Of course, we only got to see clips of the cool stuff, but we had to suffer through complete bad ones.  "Nothing Compares 2 U" is a great video?  Bald chick in a trench coat walks around, and cries in her close up.  BFD.  ZZZ.  And the only reason "Ironic" should ever be discussed (let alone, honored) is to point out it's ironic that anyone would mention that video while talking about great videos (or, at least it's as ironic as all of the things Allanus says are ironic in that horrible song).  I truly think MTV is to blame for everything bad in this world, and maybe we should all make one New Year's Resolution this year:  To stop watching it.
Speaking Of MTV (and horrible things), there's a new record coming out that is expected to be a huge hit in 2000.  The band is called Eiffel 65, the record is called 'Europop' [Republic/Universal] and the tune is "Blue (Da Ba Dee)".  I would like to copyright Awful 65 right now (12/14/99 05:33 P.S.T.) because this is the worst music I've ever heard, and that name (Awful 65©) is gonna get tossed around like a cheerleader at a graduation party.  The bad music don't look like it's ever gonna stop, kids.
Question Of The Week©:  What IS the best music video ever made?
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Auld Lang Syne" - Chaz & Dave.  Party party, indeed!
I'm signing off until 2000.  Thanks for reading.  All my best and Happy New Year. 
©1999 Lee M. Lodyga
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