Before we begin, everyone please welcome the newest LEEmailer to the world:  Jessica Rose O'Brien - born 10/21/99. 
Now, on with the show...
It seems the nearer your destination, the more you're slip sliding away.
Garthbrooksaschrisgaines News©:  Well, the record fell from #2 to #5 and had a 50% drop-off in sales (down to 130,000)  His last 4 records went platinum in under 2 weeks, this one might not make it to gold in 3.  Garth has a(nother) Christmas record coming next month.  Should be interesting... 
I heard Will Ferrell put his hands on Heather Graham's chest on SNL.  And "Night At The Roxbury" wasn't reason enough to have him killed?
Happy Birthday To The From LEE This Week©:
10/22/42    Annette Funicello
10/22/42    Bobby Fuller
10/22/52    Greg Hawkes
10/24/30    J.P. Richardson
10/24/36    Bill Wyman
10/26/46    Keith Hopwood
10/28/45    Wayne Fontana
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  'Panorama' - The Cars.
Saw Laurie Anderson's "Songs & Stories from Moby Dick" on Wednesday.  For an hour & 45 minutes that night, my life was SO much better than yours.
Gee, thanks for the questions.  Everyone get a number 2 pencil.  There will be a quiz...
    What's the weather gonna be like tomorrow?
    Name your favorite game show host and why????
I'd probably say Garry Moore.  Don't really know why, other than the fact it seems that he'd be a gas to get loaded with.
    Is "slits" your euphemism for girls?   That's offensive. 
Yes it is.  Yes it is.
    1.  Who's your favorite drummer and why?
Stewart Copeland.  He's the best.  Ever.  Period.  Jimmy Page once said that there could never be another Led Zeppelin after John Bonham died.  Ever wonder why all of Sting's solo records suck? 
    2.  Coke or Pepsi?
With or without milk?
    3.  Which present day actress gets your juices flowing?
Sexually?  That would be the ravishing Heather Graham.  For talent, you can't beat Christina Ricci with a stick, although I'd like to sometimes...
    4.  Cheetos -- Baked or Crunchy?
While baked, crunchy.
    5.  What's your favorite Peter Sellers movie?
Best movie or performance in a movie?  Movie: Dr. Stranglelove.  Performance: Lolita.
    6.  Would you rather have a root canal or listen to an entire John Tesh CD, and why?
Root canal.  Aside from the obvious, it would be shorter, too.  (see earlier LEEmail comment on 78 minute CDs)
    7.  Michael Bolton:  Long or short hair?
I'd prefer not to dwell on the hair and answer - Michael Bolton:  Head or No Head?
    8.  What is your favorite Neil Young guitar solo, and why?
"Don't Cry" from 'Freedom'.  Because I'm always right. 
    9.  M&M's:  Plain, Peanut or Peanut Butter?
    10.  Reese Witherspoon or Alicia Silverstone?
If I needed manual labor done, I'd go with Silverstone.  (Anyone seen the new issue of 'Premiere'? Looks like her next project is the Mama Cass Story, or at least Clueless 2: Pumping Iron.)  Witherspoon is sleeping with that vacuous & talentless dick, but she does have a great mouth.  What was the question again?
    Is the apocalypse--as foretold by the prophets and soothsayers of old--now at hand?  Are we living in The Final Daze?
You subscribed to LEEmail.  What do you think?
    Why haven't you shot Craig Killborn yet?
Have never seen enough of him to develop an opinion.  Sorry.  Oh yeah, it would be against the law, too.
    What is vagina?
After the failure of several attempts by Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Ralegh (Raleigh) to plant a settlement in Vagina and after Gilbert's death, Ralegh in 1606 transferred his interests to the Vagina Company of London. The first settlers, 144 in number, left England in December of that year in the "Susan Constant," the "Godspeed," and the "Discovery" and arrived at Jamestown on May 13, 1607. The aims of the Vagina Company were to aid in building a strong merchant fleet (which served as part of the Navy) and to train "able mariners" for England's protection; "to spread the gospel among the heathen people of Vagina"; to establish new areas for trade; to find precious metals; and to plant a Protestant English colony in a land threatened by Spain. The colony was kept alive during the first years mainly through the efforts of Capt. John Smith (q.v.), who secured food, made peace with the Indians, explored the country, wrote the first published book on Vagina (A True Relation, London, 1608), and drew a map of Vagina remarkable for its accuracy. After Smith left in 1609 the colonists experienced a year of great suffering-the "starving time."
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Yum Yum" - Nile Rodgers
LEE on DVD This Week©:  'The Wizard Of Oz' [WHV].  C'mon, it's a great picture.  And you've got to love the fact that if you combined the Scarecrow, Tin Man & Cowardly Lion - you'd have one hell of a homosexual.  (Watch it again.  Jack Haley is fantastically fay.  Not to mention the fact that the Scarecrow likes to have a post stuck up his butt, and the Lion likes to be on all fours...)  The transfer is great, and actually answers the age old question about the "midget hanging himself in the background" in that one scene.  This transfer is so clear, you can actually see that it's one of the exotic birds that are wandering around the set stretching its wings.  Clear as day.  Weird.  I must have looked at that scene over 50 times trying to figure it out, and never could - but it's right there on the DVD.  Anyway, LOTS of cool extra extras, including a better reconstruction of "The Jitterbug" than we saw on the 50th anniversary VHS.  But, it looks like there's more of Harold Arlen's spooky footage that they're not showing.  Why not a "Jitterbug '99" remix video with all the footage?  Just an idea.   And, no - I didn't watch it while listening to 'Dark Side Of The Moon'.  Did it once with the VHS, and it's not that cool.  But, try any episode of the 'New Zoo Revue' while listening to the "International Feel (in 8)" side of 'A Wizard A True Star', and you'll always have a GREAT time.  Crunchy Cheetos optional.
I tried to get through "The Wedding Singer" this week.  I really tried.  Got about 20 minutes into it, and didn't laugh once.  I turned it off.  Sorry, kids - he's just not funny.
Question Of The Week©:  If you were pregnant (and you LEEmailers who are, take heed), what record(s) would you be playing - with the headphones placed firmly on yer belly - to make sure that the baby knew good tunes?  By the way, we're in 'Rabbit Test' mode here - boys can have babies in LEEworld for this game.
©1999 Lee M. Lodyga 
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