I'm bugged.  You all look like insects in your brand new sun specs.
Yeah, Hussein's gonna send over mosquitoes.  Now, if he'd have sent over The Mosquitos - that would be a different story all together.  "He's A Loser", indeed!
Speaking of losers...  Garthbrooksaschrisgaines News©:  The record debuted at #2 (behind Creed's 'Human Clay').  Only sold 262,000 copies.  Man, that 4 million copy initial run might take some time to sell off...  Now, I know that 262K sounds pretty impressive.  It is, until you realize that his last two records sold 897,000 ('Sevens') & over 1,000,000 ('Double Live') in their first weeks.  People wonder "Lee, why do you care?  Did you really expect anything?"  Come on, when the biggest selling solo artist in history goes insane, it's worth noticing and monitoring.  (Michael Jackson is trying to change species, not personas - so he doesn't count).  Think about this Gaines thing and what it could have been.  The wig & snatch-pleaser would have lent themselves nicely to a "Smells Like Teen Spirit" or even a "Let's Go Crazy".  I figured that if he'd allow photos of himself poured into a pair of tights to see the light of day, he'd maybe do a "Bicycle Race" or his best "Baby's On Fire".  I had every reason to believe that it MIGHT happen - contrary to popular belief, I am an optimist.  The record was billed as "something different", which it isn't.  Garth would have had more balls (than he shows in the CD booklet) to release this as the new Garth record, and see if people liked the direction he took.  He didn't.  He lost.  Now, let's just watch the damage control & clean-up, which could be just as much fun...
Speaking of another loser - Nine Inch Nails' "The Fragile" took the biggest drop from #1 in the history of the Billboard Charts this week, #1 to #16.  Wha'd I tell ya. 
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "It's Over" - Electric Light Orchestra
Saw Bill Daily on 'Match Game P.M.' this week, and they introduced him as being from 'Aloha Paradise'.  Anybody remember, nay HEARD of that show?
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
10/18/26    Chuck Berry
10/19/37    Peter Max
10/20/53    Tom Petty
10/21/40    Manfred Mann
10/21/42    Steve Cropper
HistoricalLEE Speaking This Week©:
10/21/67    The Fugs attempt to levitate the Pentagon Building.
Speaking of overrated, can somebody explain why the hell anyone should care about the Flamin' Groovies?  I tried to listen to "Teenage Head" this week.  Z fucking Z, man.  Jesus, they are boring as hell.  Maybe they hold a place in history as far as early low-fi garage lame-ass white boy blues crap is concerned, but who really cares about poorly recorded, sloppy bar-rock shit anyway?  Buy freakin' 'Exile On Main Street' and be done with it.  Screw the Groovies.  Unless it's the Groovie Goolies.  Now, THAT'S rock! 
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  'Ragged Glory' - Neil Young & Crazy Horse
As I'm sure that you're all thinking about your year-end lists, I rediscovered a record I've had for a while - and I'm sure glad I did.  It's 'Rich Creamy Paint' [Hollywood].  'RCP' is really 19 year-old Rich Painter (nephew of John Painter - the John half of the horribly overrated and unlistenable Flemming & John).  While he's no Bruce Lash, he wrote & played almost everything on this fine, fun platter.  Imagine Supergrass covering your favorite Archies tunes - it's a smorgasbord at the danceteria.  Now, if all of those pre-teen slits were only into bands (guys) like this...
Question Of The Week©:
What ever happened to you asking me questions?  I guess I'm just supposed to slave over my keyboard for your amusement week after week.  There, I answered my own question.  You fucks.
©1999 Lee M. Lodyga
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