NICK LOWE - The Doings (Box Set)

If youíre not a Nick Lowe fan by now, chances are youíre never gonna become one. But if you are a Nick Lowe fan, youíll probably always be one. This four CD box set is not destined to win over any converts, itís a nice bonus for those of us whose devotion led us to countless record stores in search of rare b-sides and coveted import pressings. It focuses on Nickís solo output, with Brinsley Schwarz anthologies and the one official Rockpile release already available, and starts with his early recordings on Stiff and continues up to his most recent works on Upstart. Itís a nice listen, with all the key tracks and then some, plus a generous heaping of rarities and live performances. If you like Nick, buy this and show him you still care.

BILL FRISELL - The Sweetest Punch

The New Songs of Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach arranged by Bill Frisell

While Burt and Elvis were busy collaborating on their first album together Painted From Memory, Bill Frisell occupied his time by creating his own arrangements for the same 15 songs. Then he recorded jazzy scented instrumental versions of these songs and allowed Mr. Costello to vocalize on one, Cassandra Wilson another and had the two of them duet on a third. At least itís more imaginative than a silly remix album. Unfortunately, I was never too crazy about the original album in the first place. "God Give Me Strength," the song that preceded and is included on both recordings, is amazing. The rest? Maybe it could grow on me, but I havenít the motivation to give it a chance. Hey, this could be really good. Iím just not interested.  Whatís next? Spike Jones and His City Slickers Take Apart the Juliet Letters?


Introducing the Chow Line According To Chris Gaines

Girth Brooks! Hey, I bet Iím the first one to make that joke - NOT! And so what if I donít know the real title of the album. Who cares? Actually, Iím really disappointed with this alter ego ultra icky collection of tunes from the "pop" side of Babbling Brooks. I was sure it would be a lot funnier. Granted, the U2ish techno laced cover of the Youngbloodís "Get Together" is a real hoot. Garth, uh, Chris doesnít exactly know whatís wrong with the world, but he has a few good ideas. I could be jumping the gun here. Maybe itíll all make sense when the Chris Gaines movie comes out next year. Or maybe Garth is having an identity crises like Latka did on Taxi when he became Nick Ferrari. At least heíll have something to chat about when he hits the talk show circuit. He can explain what the hell he was thinkiní.

PAUL McCARTNEY - Run Devil Run

He just felt like getting together with some of the boys and running through some tunes off the cuff like they used to in the old days. Twelve covers, some rather obscure, and three new originals. It works because Paul McCartney can still rock with the best of them, and he doesnít have to wear a cap backwards to prove it. Love the cover photo, the book and the CD design (it looks like a record album).

THE BEATLES - Yellow Submarine Songtrack

If youíre a big fan of those zippy George Martin orchestrations that filled up side two of the original album, you gonna be disappointed. Theyíre gone! Instead you get 15 Beatle songs, all featured in the film, and remastered to make them sound better. Donít worry about tampering with the gods and all that rubbish. It sounds fucking amazing. And the songs fit together nicely as well. And wouldnít you rather listen to "Baby Youíre Rich Man" instead of "March of the Meanies"? Only complaint: The cover looks kind of cheapy. Like it should be the cover for the complete George Martin score that Iím sure the purists will be clamoring for.

P.S. Where the fuck is Let It Be?

TALKING HEADS - Stop Making Sense (Special New Edition)

Should be called Now It Makes Sense. (Clever, eh?) I guess they couldnít fit all 16 tracks on the original vinyl album because the warmth of the vinyl itself makes it impossible to fit that much music on a long player without causing cancer. And then when the CD initially came out, why spend any money to improve something everyoneís gonna buy anyway? Okay, everybodyís got it, what now? Itís time to digitally remaster that sucker, add the missing songs and get everybody to buy it again! Thatís the Cynical Danny talking. And heís right in his own Cynical Danny way. But the Music Lover Danny is happy because he really likes this new version. The sound is to die for and the CD does indeed make sense now. The earlier version went from David Byrne solo to the band without the gradual build up like in the concert film. There is a slight drawback: you also get the lifeless Tom Tom Club performance of "Genius of Love." But thatís one advantage you get with compact discs, itís real easy to skip a track or program it out of playback all together!


First of all, Bruce was my best friend when we graduated from high school, so Iím probably gonna be a little biased when I write a review of his music. We even wrote a song together that he put on his previous CD Innocent People, which is currently out-of-print while itís being remastered. I wonder if heíll include bonus tracks? Anyway, you can purchase his latest release over the internet and I suggest you do so because he is very talented and his music is very good. (Iím hoping heíll use that quote on the album sticker when he signs to a major label.) Itís hard to explain his music because his influences are many and he blends them together so effortlessly. Most of the songs are originals written by Bruce, but he also does a dead-on cover of David Bowieís "Golden Years" and provides his own unique rendering of the Shaggsí "Philosophy of the World," a song whose meaning is a true today as when it was first recorded. You donít have to believe me, you can check out his web site and hear for yourself:

P.S. If you send him an e-mail, ask him whatís holding up the Lashkin Anthology Box Set?

TOM WAITS - Mule Variations

New Tom Waits that reminds me of old Tom Waits. In fact, it reminds me that Iíd rather be listening to old Tom Waits. I canít quite put my finger on it (a fancy way of saying I donít know) but Mule Variations doesnít turn me off, it just doesnít move me either. Perhaps I need to give it a few more listens. Then again, I never had to do that before with a Tom Waits album I liked. If you donít already own anything by Tom Waits, donít start here. Recommended for beginners: Closing Time, Heartattack and Vine and Rain Dogs.

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