Instant karma's gonna get you.
Well, I hope all you Reform Party, Green Party and American Jackass party voters are happy.  Oh well, whatever the outcome - it's incredible and depressing to think that the person the majority of Americans voted for might not become their president.
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "It Doesn't Matter Anymore" - Buddy Holly
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
11/11/44    Jesse Colin Young
11/11/46    Chris Dreja
11/12/43    Brian Hyland
11/12/45    Neil Young
11/14/40    Freddy Garrity
11/14/51    Stephen Bishop
11/15/33    Clyde McPhatter
Now I know that Billy Elliott has to suck ass.  They went for my (congratulatory) "Town Called Malice" using campaign to polling old fuckers leaving a screening they probably didn't pay for saying" Best movie I've seen this year" and "I couldn't stop crying" and "I'm a big fucking retard."
Beatles 1 [Capitol/Apple]  While I'm still confused about how the cover was approved, this CD is your opportunity to get the kids who want Backstreet Boys' Black & Blue or Limp Bizkit's Chocolate Shitfish & The Dumbass Fanbase some real music for Christmas.  Man, they'll always be the best.  I feel fine, indeed!
Speaking of real music, why aren't Reel Music, Rock & Roll Music or Love Songs available on CD?  Man, remember that beautiful mylar sleeve on Rock & Roll Music, or the parchment libretto in Love Songs
Kiss Me DeadLEE A Year Ago This Week©:
Donald Mills, 84.  The last of the singing Mills Brothers.  November 13.
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  Discover America - Van Dyke Parks.
Question Of The Week©:  Excluding the Oasis records, what's been the best repackaging of Beatles music?
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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