It's hard to write a song with bitter fingers.
Yeah, the show's gone - but do you think I could go a week without talking about it?  Frankie Sullivan III (the short guitar playing guy with the silly hair from the "Eye Of The Tiger" video) is trying to block the release of the Survivor TV soundtrack [TVT] because he says that he holds the copyright to "Survivor."  Listen here, little man, you need to get a fucking life.  Your band is over.  Your life is over.  If you're worried about the record sales of Survivor - the band, do everyone a favor & kill yourself.  That always spikes sales.
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Vehicle" - Ides Of March
Kiss Me DeadLEE A Year Ago This Week©:
Allen Funt, 84.  Host of TV's "Candid Camera."  September 5th. - Which always makes me think of a letter from National Lampoon about "Fandid Famera."  The Fraziest, Fookiest Show on TV.  Signed, Allen Funt.
Speaking of the "C" word, TV Guide has TV football's Public Enemy Number One on the cover.  Since people will actually start watching now that pre-season is done, ABC must have found it necessary to pay TV Guide to print an article justifying the discomfort fans will feel while watching this cocksucker ruin their Monday night tradition.  But then, what are they going to write?  That you now need to have received 1247 or higher on your SAT to watch the game?  Or that you'll want to have www.britannica.com open instead of www.mondaynightfootball.com for replays?  All I can hope is that his pre-scripted "comedy" for opening night is brief enough that he won't yammer through too many plays.  What a dick.
Joan Jett is slated to play Columbia in the upcoming Broadway revival of The Rocky Horror Show.  Guess they're dumping the dancing aspect of that character.  "Do you wanna touch?" step ball-change "Do you wanna touch?" step ball-change...  And, while they're combining the role of Dr. Scott & Eddie (as it should be), they're having a woman play the part.  Why do dumb people get good money to fuck cool things up?
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  Simplicity - Tim Curry
Go out this weekend and spend some money on The Band reissues [Capitol].  And, if you can only go for one at this point, may I suggest Stage Fright.  Man, that record kicks my ass.  And it ain't just the Todd Rundgren connection, neither.  A masterful reissue job, with great bonus tracks and exquisite packaging.  You've probably read about these records for a long time, and if you've never heard them, you owe it to yourself to do so.  While Music From Big Pink & The Band may be considered the classics, Stage Fright is certainLEE the most fun of the batch.
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
09/01/44    Archie Bell
09/01/46    Barry Gibb
09/05/46    Loudon Wainwright III
09/06/43    Roger Waters
09/07/36    Buddy Holly
LEE On DVD This Week©:  Yeah, I know, it's been a while for this section, but I just bought a shitload of 'em and I'm watchin' movies like crazy.
The Woody Allen Collection [MGM/Warner Home Video]  Well, there's 8 discs in this sucker, and they're packaged in alphabetical, not chronological order - so here we go...  Annie Hall:  In retrospect, this may be his finest film, although I won't know until I hit the M's.  Nice transfer, but it's quite obvious they've done some modern retools on some of the titles (especially the subtitled sequence on Annie's patio).  A nice trailer is added, but that's about it for special features, unless you want to watch it in French.  Of course, being able to put "What an asshole" on A-B repeat is worth the price of a DVD player alone.  High point - in the scene where Alvy goes back to LA to propose to Annie: in the background, plain as day, is a billboard for the Kiss Destroyer tour.  (See above comment regarding the fact that this may be his finest film.)  Bananas:  Man, when this one's on, it's on; but there's sure a lot of filler in it for a movie that only runs 82 minutes.  Still funnier than hell, though.  The sound is fantastic, and the transfer's great.  Better transfer than Annie Hall, in fact.  Here, you get the trailer treatment and it's a good one.  But, it's evidence that this box set ain't for everybody.  Plus, I can never watch Louise Lasser without getting uncomfortable since I read Saturday Night...
The Little Rascals (Volumes 1 & 2) [Hallmark/Artisan]  Here's where I like to see that Blair Witch money being spent.  No,it's not the discharge directed by the woman who brought us the fabulous The Decline Of Western Civilization, but 8 shorts from Scotty & Co.  Unedited in their fabulous, politically incorrect glory (see: The First Round Up).  I could watch these shorts forever, and while the transfer is rather crummy (not nearly as good as the videotape series Hallmark put out years ago) they're still fucking great.  I'm eagerly waiting for the editions with Birthday Blues and Divot Diggers, but there's some classic shit on this DVD; including Hearts Are Thumps (He Man Woman Haters Club) and Beginner's Luck ("Girlie, the dress is in the bag.")
Of course, this weekend is reserved for the 2 DVD edition of the finest American film of the last 20 years, Magnolia.  And I'm way ahead of your comments that it will take all weekend to watch it...
Question Of The Week©:
Who was the best member of Our Gang?
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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