Right.  You're bloody well right.
The Republicans had their convention.  You know the Republicans - the people who refuse to allow women the right to choose.  The party that wants to stack the Supreme Court so they can overturn Roe V. Wade.  The party that is now claiming to be "the party of inclusion", but doesn't believe that homosexuals should be allowed to serve in the military.  The party that vilified a pot smoker but want a spoiled rich kid who snorted coke and partied his way through school to be president.  You know them, don't you?  The lying, fucking cock suckers. 
Speaking of Dick & Bush, am I the only person thoroughly confused by Coyote Ugly?  Is there a reason they just didn't release a re-edited porno with all of the insertion and cum shots taken out?  Seriously, the only purpose for this film is to give guys something to jack-off to, right?  But, do guys really want to jack-off to something that tons of other guys are jacking off to too?  If you go see this movie, no matter what sex you are, I hope you see a shrink afterward.  And beware of the sticky floor in the theater.  That ain't a spilled soda.
George P. Bush is ugly.  Flat out.  Ricky Martin he ain't, so let's lose the Latin heartthrob tag.  I don't understand the need to portray him as a sex symbol and/or why he's speaking at the RNC.  He should just go away.  His father's name is Jeb for crying out loud.
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Monkey Man" - The Specials
Speaking of ugly Republicans, because of them Monday Night Football started at 4pm on Monday and I missed the first game with Dennis Miller.  Now, all I heard were selected sound bites, but I also read some transcripts, and I feel confident in saying that my initial fears were correct.  His references were too obscure, too plentiful and too much.  It ain't gonna last.  It can't.  The only people who will like him in this position are the people who like him in the first place.  And that ain't too many folks.  Don't get me wrong, I think he's a funny guy - but he's going to need to stop referencing NAFTA & the Tigris and Euphrates and start talking about Smackdown and Doritos - or maybe just shut the fuck up - if he wants to keep his job. 
I'm truly digging The Powerpuff Girls: Heroes & Villains record [Rhino].   While the show leaves me a little cold, the record is full of great tunes by Devo, Komeda, Optigonally Yours, Shonen Knife & others.  Happy, bouncy and fun - this is a record that will get you dancing, kids.  Spend your money on this one while you're waiting for the Beach Boys' Carl & The Passions: So Tough/Holland reissue on the 15th.
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
08/07/26    Stan Freberg
08/08/33    Joe Tex
08/10/40    Bobby Hatfield
08/10/47    Ronnie Spector
B'bye Gervace.  Time to go home and make some more illegitimate babies, you lazy fuck.  Fuck (or, as Todd would say: the verb "to fuck") - well, that's apparently one bit of work he knows how to do.  Now that his annoying ass is gone, I can focus my hate on big, gay, naked Richard - the next to go, I would imagine...
Kiss Me DeadLEE A Year Ago This Week©:
Victor Mature, 86.  Actor.  August 04.
Jennifer Paterson, 71.  One of the "Two Fat Ladies" from the British TV cooking show.  August 10.
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  Head - The Monkees
For those of you who didn't like last week's "Question Of The Week©", I wanted to respond by saying that I didn't care for your "Question(s) Of The Week©" either, until I realized that YOU DON'T HAVE A FUCKING MAILING LIST OR DO A WEEKLY RANT SO PLEASE PUCKER UP AND KISS MY ASS YOU UNGRATEFUL FUCKS.
Question Of The Week©:  Who is/was the most attractive political figure in history?
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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