But will you love me tomorrow?
Am I the only person getting creeped out by the weird trends in buying recently?  First N*Sync sells 2.4 million copies of their record in the first weeks, with other no-talents Britney Spears and Eminem following suit with tremendous numbers.  Now comes Harry Potter.  A book.  (Debatably) a children's book.  3 million copies?  Come on.  This thing is a 700+ page motherfucker.  You really think kids are gonna read it all the way through?  Are there groups forming at elementary schools around the world where kids read one chapter and then have a book club to discuss what the fuck happens?  No, I haven't read a Harry Potter book, and I hear they're pretty good.  But no goddamn book is that good.  These ravenous new buying habits are great for the economy (CooperativeLEE Advertising This Week©:  and if you'll be buying retail soon - don't forget Media Play: more choice, less price, everyday...) but what will happen in the future?  Again, I ask:  Will anyone be buying The Marshall Mathers LP in 5 years, let alone listening to it?  It's sold more copies in its first six weeks in release (5 million) than many classic titles like Sticky Fingers have in almost 30 years (certified at 3 million copies 05/31/00).  While Sticky Fingers continues to sell today, but these moronic buying piranhas with cash aren't helping to preserve these kinds of legacies or make it possible for book stores to stock Camus and record stores to stock Can.
Speaking of Eminem.  His wife tried to kill herself this week.  I wonder if it's because he talked about killing her on both of his albums, or that he put a gun to her head, or that he facing loads of jail time, or that he's a retarded, misogynist, homophobic, talentless wigger idiot.
Speaking of retarded, misogynist, homophobic, talentless wigger idiots, Limp Bizkit opened their Napster sponsored tour this week.  And who did they decide to cover for their encore?  Metallica.  Durst = Dumbass.  Forevermore.
Hey, have you seen that Midol commercial where that fucking cunt says "You know, guys try - but they really don't know anything about periods..."  Hey bitch, fuck you!  We may not have a twat, but we know that it's a pretty unpleasant experience for everyone involved.  Girls may not know anything about getting kicked in the balls, but I bet they know that some ibuprofen will take away the pain.  Shut up.
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
07/14/12    Woody Guthrie
07/15/46    Linda Ronstadt
07/16/11    Ginger Rogers
07/17/41    Spencer Davis
07/17/52    Phoebe Snow
07/15/29    Screamin' Jay Hawkins
07/18/39    Dion
07/18/39    Hunter S. Thompson
07/18/41    Martha Reeves
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  How To Be A Zillionaire - ABC
Gretchen?  Talk about your shocker.  That's what you get when you don't join "The Alliance", I guess.  And said alliance is pretty damn creepy, isn't it?  I can't wait until they have to start turning against each other.  Now I'm not sure who's the most annoying - Freak ass mental case Greg or creepy gay nazi Richard.  Of course, Gervase continues to prove himself to be the biggest loser on the island, while still having a place on it.  Man, oh man.  I haven't had this much fun watching television since Billy Clyde Tuggle came back to Pine Valley in 1990...
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Save Me A Place" - Fleetwood Mac
Kiss Me DeadLEE A Year Ago This Week©
Patricia Zipprodt, 74.  Costume Designer.  July 17.
Sandra Gould, 73.  Actress (Gladys Kravitz from "Bewitched").  July 20.
Question Of The Week©:  Which TV neighbor do you wish was yours, and which one are you glad isn't?
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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