Don't you ever listen?  Don't you ever learn?
So, Me, Myself & Irene lost 50% of its business in its second week.  Gee, Jim - a $20 million paycheck for a movie that opened with $25 million, then dropped from there.  It's over, Jim.  (Of course, that total's not quite as embarrassing as Mel's $25 million paycheck and $31 million, five-day open total.)  Maybe people are finally realizing that neither Jim Carrey nor the Farrelly Brothers are funny.  Let's hope the record buying public wakes up soon, too.
Speaking of the jackasses who are buying music today (read as teens and deaf/retarded adults):  I enjoyed a local station's "all 80's weekend" to celebrate the birth of our fine country, and it got me to thinkin'... In twenty years, will there be an "all 2000 weekend" which features "Thong Song" instead of "Safety Dance" and "The Real Slim Shady" in place of "Rock Me Amadeus"?  Will the broadcast be peppered with Korn, Limp Bizkit, Kid Rock and Jay-Z?  Will that be even remotely listenable - even to the dumb fucks who are buying that crap today?  I don't see how it can.  I did have a revelation about the music of the 80's, though.  Yeah, a lot of it's dated, but the majority of it still holds up.  You wanna know why?  The 80's were really a decade of knowing how to make records.  Perhaps it was simply a reaction to punk, but there were lots of fine arrangements, live strings, innovative production and generally well thought out "records".  Complete follow through records.   And even the "bad" ones (see above examples) are worlds above today's dreck.  (Hey, I bet I had the first Men Without Hats record in South Bend, as I bought a "Safety Dance" 12" as an import on Statik Records because of its groovy cover...)  Laugh all you want at ABC or Haircut 100, you young punks - but just try and beat those singles.  Aye yie yie yie yie yie, indeed!
Question Of The Week© I:  What's the best single released from January 01, 1980 through December 31, 1989?
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Perfect Way" - Scritti Politti
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
07/07/32    Joe Zawinul
07/07/40    Ringo Starr
07/09/46    Mitch Mitchell
07/10/41    Ian Whitcomb
07/12/48    Walter Egan
07/13/42    Roger McGuinn
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  The Notorious Byrd Brothers - The Byrds
If you like your power pop on the heavier side - pick up the self-titled debut from The Exies [Ultimatum].  Maybe a tad metal-y in spots, but some swell hooks.  And it sounds good loud.
Survivor.  Vote fucking Gervase off.  NOW.  Christ, even he admits to not doing anything.  Oh well, hopefully big gay naked Richard will take care of him when they - ahem, merge. 
And speaking of Must Invade Privacy TV, the only thing lamer than the first episode of Big Brother was/is that cheesy-ass theme music.  Who the hell is Big Brother - Kenny G?  Did they pick people whose fathers were their big brothers to be on that show?  What a bunch of inbred freaks.  And I'm talking about the hosts.  Five days a week?  No thanks.  F you.  Bo-ring.  See, I never bought Survivor as a The Real World thing - because The Real World is/was crap and Survivor has a point (or, at least sort of one).  I don't care if you can "see their every move" on BB, you're only going to see what the editors want you to.  Make That Must Manipulate Viewer TV.  And unlike Survivor, there'll be no eatin' dog food.  But, then again, that fridge is kinda small, and there is a big, fat guy...  Ooh, ten people yammering, sharing a shower and getting on each others' nerves.  I don't need to watch that, I lived it.  It's called college.  Big Brother just has annoying and welcome-worn-out-quickly written all over it.
Question Of The Week© II:  Which TV series do you wish they had a camera in the shower for, and who do you want to see lather up?
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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