You made me believe in magic.
...and you thought that LEEmail wasn't powerful.  Last week's LEEmail hit the net on the Pope's birthday, Rhino Handmade announced a John Peel CD and I bought a Hyundai.  Kismet?  On the other hand, a pipe burst in a wall of our apartment - soaking the floor and destroying some irreplaceable vinyl, so maybe it's time to stop goofing on El Papa.
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Not That Funny" - Fleetwood Mac
Okay, so now Britney's broken some stupid sales record, and has knocked *NStync off the top of the charts.  Good Christ.  At least I finally figured out what's so disturbing about this whole, new, teen music thing.  Now, you all know that I am the champion of the musical underdog and that I loves me the pop music.  In fact, I loves me the bubblegum the most.  Not only is it revolting to me that Britney's record will have sold more in 2 weeks than Pet Sounds will have in 30 years - but the fact that the music press & media are going along with this shit is the real kicker.  Did Headquarters get 3 star reviews upon it's release?  How about Ron Dante Brings You Up?   With Love, Bobby?  Nope.  But, the press and pathetic jackasses who are trying desperately to seem hip are lapping the puss out of this zit on the face of popular music up.  You know, it's the same people who are trying to tell me that DMX is doing something relevant.  He's not.  She's not.  It's all crap.  Will people be as excited to hear "Baby, One More Time" in 30 years as they are to hear "Sugar Sugar" today.  I don't think so.  Oops, I did it again, indeed! 
Growing Up Brady.  Growing Up Delusional, or Grown Up Retarded gets my vote for a better title.  Now, I read that book and I don't remember any of that shit in it.  Yeah, Paramount wouldn't have reprimanded those kids for disrupting film shoots and stealing props.  Yeah, everyone's hormones were truly in a tizzy.  Yeah, Robert Reed was gay.  Oh, wait...  The strange music video style of production was weird, too.  Who the hell were they trying to sell this shite to?  Perhaps masturbatory 30/40 something males.  The amount of time with the camera pointed at the crotch of the actress who played Marcia was certainly disturbing.  Especially since - firstLEE, the actress wasn't that hot, and secondLEE, she's only 15, or was supposed to be 15.  That whole pool scene with the 10 minute legs to snatch to perky nipples shot was unbelievable and uncomfortable.  And speaking of Marcia not being hot, wasn't it weird that "Greg" was the best looking Brady?  What a weird goddamn, confused, egomaniacal piece of fuck.  Anybody watch the Linda McCartney movie? Was it as funny?
And Spin City's done.  Now, I kinda like that show - but, jeez, it's a freakin' comedy!  What's with the drama crap?  When I heard Michael Gross was going to be on, I hoped it would be a Dallas/Newhart thing, and that the whole series was a dream of Alex P. Keaton's.  But, no luck there.  They actually pulled it all off quite well, considering the script was completely implausible.  And why the hell were the using that annoying Macy Gray song (and she sucks, people - wake up) and not a better song like "Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On".  Or "Shakin' All Over".  Or "Shake Shake Shake (Shake Your Booty)".
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  Pure Mania - Vibrators
Talk about a fantastic birthday present: Billy Corgan broke up Smashing Pumpkins on mine.  I can't wait to see what Fred Durst has planned for my wedding anniversary.
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
05/28/44    Gladys Knight
05/28/45    John Fogerty
05/29/17    Liberace
06/01/47    Ron Wood
Saw Mission: Impossible 2 this week.  Mission Impossible Pew is more like it.  I watched the first part thinking "Hey, Bond is dead & I'd rather follow this franchise."  Then John Woo pulled out his 9 tricks (you know, the same goddamn shots/fights he uses in EVERY MOVIE he directs) and Tom Cruise rode a motorcycle by holding on the handlebars while having both feet on the ground on one side of the bike.  (You'll understand if you see it.  But don't.)  Crap.  Big crap.  The story is at least followable this time, but it's so stupid it makes the last Bond film look like Dr. No.  And the chick isn't hot enough, either.  The only thing worse than the movie was the preview for The Ladies Man (starring Tim Meadows in his unfunny SNL shtick) we saw before it.
Question Of The Week©:  What's the best bubblegum song?
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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