Keep on working,  keep on working.
So, Metallica's suit against Napster seems to be working.  (http://www.eonline.com/News/Court/0004.metallica.html?msn)  Now, Dr. Dre's jumping on board and suing, too.  Let's hope these suits are just the tip of the iceberg.  Of course, leave it to talentless rat scum cancer fucks Limp Bizkit to be the ones to jump in bed with Napster.  Yep, Napster is sponsoring a free Limp Bizkit tour this summer.  Okay, you Napster using losers, Fred Durst is now your poster child.  'Nuff fucking said.
Favorite Album Of All Time This Weekİ:  Give 'Em Enough Rope - The Clash
Have you heard the new Hanson single "This Time Around"?  It's fantastic, the record's solid and my boys done grown up real good.  Part of me hopes this one stiffs the way I hoped the last one would... It's too damn good for everyone.
Speaking of great records, I've got too many to review - although I'll give you two you'll probably see on my year end list:   Deathray and Ute Lemper's Punishing Kiss.  New raves at http://theleepage.homepage.com
Happy Birthday To Thee This Week From LEEİ:
04/29/99    Duke Ellington
04/29/47    Tommy James
04/30/33    Willie Nelson
05/02/46    Lesley Gore
05/03/28    James Brown
05/03/37    Frankie Valli
05/04/37    Dick Dale
Okay, it was last week's (I have my reasons) - but South Park's "Timmy" episode may be the funniest half hour in TV history...
The Three Stooges  [ABC].  Well, I didn't fall asleep.  TV biopics are usually pretty dreadful, but this one wasn't half bad.  Of course, that means it was only half good - which is what it was.  My main problem is that you don't want to be depressed when you think about the Stooges.  You want to laugh.  You want to think about the pain inflicted from a hot iron to the face, not the pain caused by bad business deals.  You want to smile when you think of a fingernail scraping against an eyeball, not because three old farts - years past their prime - have to schlep themselves back on the road to make some money.  Nothing learned here:  Curly was lovable offstage and Moe ran the show.  Actually, ran the show into the ground is more like it.  I actually walked away from this thing hating Moe more than I thought I would.  He was always the least funny of the Three (even when Joe Besser was involved), and ruined everyone's lives and livelihoods by steering them into near bankruptcy by being a stupidass.  (unintentional "stupidass" sez Cynthy).  There were certainly a lot of moments obviously altered for dramatic effect, but why didn't they spend a little more time not making Moe out to be a fucking stooge.  Oh well, why worry about it.  The shorts are still funny, and Mel should actually get some kudos for not wasting two nights of my life by packing everything into one.  If you missed it, you didn't.  Don't worry.  If you're a fan, wait for the inevitable VHS & DVD release.
Favorite Song Of All Time This Weekİ:  "Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad" - MeatLoaf
Speaking of DVD's, ol' Steven Speilberg has decided to grace us with more than 1941 and Always on DVD.  Jaws is coming in June with lots of extra features (many taken from the laser disc).  E.T., Close Encounters, Jurassic Park and Schindler's List will be out by the end of the year...
LEE on DVD This Week:  Three Kings (Warner Home Video) Somebody explain something to me.  George Clooney is supposed to be a giant star, right.  He left the ER and went to Hollywood to prove it.  Made The Peacemaker and nobody went.  Made Batman & Robin, and that was pretty much a stiff, too (Although probably not as stiff as Joel Cocksucker was looking at Clooney & O'Donnell in their nippled leatherettes). Out Of Sight was supposed to be good, but again, nobody went.  Three Kings didn't clean up at the box office, either.  Hey, how's about a live, black & white Fail Safe for TV?  Okay.  How's about no viewers?  Of course, the viewership of ER hasn't lessened at all since his departure.  So, why is he this giant star?  Oh, I sure liked Three Kings, though.
Neil Young - Silver & Gold [Warner Home Video]  While there's something inherently wrong with watching something shot on video letterboxed, there's no denying that Neil's on top of his game.  Fantastic sound and a fine set list (although, at 63 minutes, it's a little short) makes for dandy view.  Light some candles, light some incense and roll another number or the road; My Young's back.  Pick up his exceptional new record of the same title, too.  
Question Of The Weekİ:  What's the best Todd Rundgren produced record?
İ2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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