You're motoring.  What's your price for flight?
Everybody see the footage of RoboPope cruising around Israel in his Go-Go Gadgetmobile?  Best freakin' Pope ever.  You know why?  He's a Polack!  Of course, why the Pope - head of the Catholic Church - would be in danger visiting the land of Jesus is another question altogether...  It brings me to that barbeque in Uganda.  If I may paraphrase the beautiful Robin Quivers:  When people kill others in the name of religion, nobody wants to ban religion - but when there's rock music or a book involved, everyone wants to see those abolished.  Fucking hypocrites.  (That last part's from me, not Robin.)
Favorite Song Of All Time This Weekİ:  "Burning For You" - Blue Oyster Cult
You know, I still watch VH-1's The List when I catch it - and there's still no other show on earth more infuriating.  I have found one thing to like about it though, Finding Celebrities I Hateİ.  This week's winner: Adam Goldberg.  Now, I've liked this guy in movies, especially Dazed & Confused and Saving Private Ryan, but seeing what a pretentious, self serving stupidass he is in real life really changes things.  What a dick.  I know, I know - I'm the guy who preaches "it doesn't matter how much of an asshole a person is, it's their work that counts."  Okay, his work is good.  And he's as asshole.  Hell, he made Steven Segall (also on the panel) seem intelligent and acceptable.  Oh yeah, the show was hosted by no neck, no talent Henry Rollins.  He's lucky.  He's an asshole AND his work sucks.  No problem with my formula there.
Speaking of rotten TV...  Freaks & Geeks.  Cancelled & Cancelled.  In honor of that's show's timely music references, let's all sing a rousing chorus of Steam's "Na Na Hey Hey (Kiss Him Goodbye)".
Always loveLEE and beatifulLEE updated...  http://theleepage.homepage.com
Speaking of LEEnks - have you all been making your weekly commute to Lakinland?  (That's www.lakinland.com for those of you who need to re-bookmark.)
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Weekİ
03/25/42    Aretha Franklin
03/25/47    Elton John
03/26/44    Diana Ross
03/27/32    Junior Parker
03/30/45    Eric Clapton
03/30/48    Jim "Dandy" Mangrum
Favorite Album Of All Time This Weekİ:  11-17-70 - Elton John.  Talk about your fucking power trio...  Burn Down The Mission, indeed!
Speaking of queens...  Man, while dialing around on the TV last weekend I saw part of some Liza Minnelli special on PBS.  Yeesh.  She absolutely sucks ass.  And, from the look of it, ass-sucking puts on the pounds.  She's got that weird body with a big round top and little spindly legs.  I'd suggest the only songs she should be singing anymore are from "Time For Timer."
Kiss Me DeadLEE A Year Ago This Weekİ:
"Mighty Joe" Young, 71.  Blues Guitarist.  March 24
Joe Williams, 80.  Jazz Vocalist.  March 29
Catching Up On Academy Screener Copies this Weekİ: 
The Straight Story [Disney]  Here's a good one.  I mean, just a nice, goddamn movie.  Farnsworth is great, but Award worthy?  I'd say there are too many other overlooked performances this year.  And as far as I know, he ain't dying - so I really doubt he'll win.  I'd compliment Sissy Spacek, too - but then I'd have to hear about the two of her 200 movies that she wasn't perfect in.  Anyway, it's fantastic to look at and that weird Lynch pacing that I dig so much really works here.  Angelo Badalamusic's score is, as always, annoying.  Once he gets past his Coct-faux Twins rip-off crap, though, he finds a nice theme to use.  Then he uses it over, and over, and over, and over again.  The only really bad thing about this movie is that the line "it's like David Lynch directing a Disney movie" don't work anymore.  Of course, could a duet between Mickey & The Lady In The Radiator be too far behind?
Question Of The Weekİ:   Who is the ultimate power trio?
İ2000 Lee M. Lodyga 
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