My parents think I'm crazy and they hate the things I do.
The Kiss farewell tour kicks off next month.  See you in Anaheim, March 18th.  And in San Berdoo on June 03.  Shout it fucking out loud, indeed!
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  'Alive IV' -Kiss.  Okay, so it won't be out until March 23.  I'm in the moment here, people.
Speaking of the boys: LEEnk Of The Week©  Scroll around this mutha.  http://www.spawn.com/toyfair2000/catalog/music.intro.html  And you thought trix were for kids...
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©:
02/19/40    Smokey Robinson
02/19/43    Lou Christie
02/20/51    Randy California
02/23/44    Johnny Winter
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Nature's Way" - Spirit
Did they call it "Who Wants To Marry A Multi-Millionaire", because they couldn't call it "One Of These Whores Will Prove To Millions Of People That She Will Fuck Anyone As Long As The Cock Is Attached To A Rich Man"? 
Kiss Me DeadLEE A Year Ago This Week©:
Gene Siskel, 53.  February 20
Another year, another batch of shitty Oscar nominations.  I'm really far behind on seeing things, but if you can honestly tell me that any of the Best Picture nominees are better than 'Toy Story 2' or 'Magnolia', I'll eat a bug.  It is nice to see "Blame Canada" nominated for Best Song, though. 
Speaking of the Oscar nominations, saw lots of movies this week:  'Being John Malkovich' - A better concept than a movie.  What exactly was this thing about?  Wanting to be someone else?  Wanting to be ANYONE else?  Wanting to control people?  I'll tell you what I do know about it, it's about 20 minutes too long.  And, why does everyone talk about the fact that Cameron Diaz "uglied herself up" for it?  Why don't they just say that she's brought the most annoying character to film since Yahoo Serious and leave it at that?  A Best Screenplay nod?  It's certainly no 'Toy Story 2'...
'Sweet & Lowdown' - Poor Woody hasn't made a really good film in a long, long time.  This confused mess has great performances from Sean Penn (although an Oscar worthy performance is questionable) and Samantha Morton (yeah, I'll okay that nomination), but the Woodster doesn't know what he wants to say either.  Is it a love letter to a maker of that old jazz shit no one else but him really cares about?  Is he telling us that all geniuses are inherently troubled (duh.)?  Is this a comedy or a drama?  The "documentary" sequences are ridiculous.  Especially the fact that it's Woody and a bunch of music geeks, and Woody is the only one who didn't have his name flashed at the bottom while speaking.  Why, because we know who you are, and we should take your opinions about music in the same breath as these experts?  Please.  Egomaniac.  I'll tell you what I do know, somebody really needs to read his scripts before they start shooting.
'Stuart Little' - People who speak to (let alone legally adopt) mice, mice who speak to people & cats and cats who only speak to mice and each other, but not people.  What?  What a fucking mess, is more like it.  Hey, a "child" mouse with the voice of a 40 year old don't work, either.  Well, makes as much sense as a talking mouse, I guess.  At least his paws didn't shake.  And that fucking Jonathan Dicksucki and his fucking lisp.  Good Christ.  At any rate, run away.  What a piece of maggot infested diarrhea this is.  But, it's cute.  No - butt its chute.  I'll tell you what I do know, if I had the choice of having my belly sliced open before burning cigarettes were put out on my guts or watching 'Stuart Little' again - I'd have 3 words for you:  Camel Wides, please.
LEE on DVD This Week©:  'Dick' [Columbia/Tri-Star] - Well, my karma must have come back to haunt me after last week's "Boys Don't Cry' fiasco...  Who the hell is the audience for this thing?  The only thing worth mentioning about this crap is that Will Ferrell is NOT the least funny person it it. (That "honor" goes to Bruce McCullough).  Extra Features?  Yeah, a bunch - but it was hard enough to sit through the movie.  Why the hell would I want to watch deleted scenes or a blooper reel.  Well, maybe the blooper reel would have been good.  As long as the actors were saying things like: "This script sucks", or "I'm firing my goddamn agent", or "Look at my pooter".
Question Of The Week©:  Who would you like to see perform "Blame Canada" at the Oscars?
©2000 Lee M. Lodyga
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