I'm looking through you, where did you go?

I thought I knew you, what did I know?
You don't look different, but you have changed.
Garthbrooksaschrisgaines News©:  Whatta week.  Still haven't heard the record, but the single debuted at #5 on the pop charts, and I found out that Chris Gaines is Australian.  Am I lucky or what?
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  'Redneck Wonderland' - Midnight Oil
Three words:  George Fucking Carlin.   Four more:  'You Are All Diseased'.  I never caught the HBO special, but sweetjesus did the cd make me laugh.
Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©
09/12/44    Barry White
09/14/08    Clayton Moore
09/16/48    Kenney Jones
Speaking of Kenney...  Big Kenny.  "Live A Little"  October 5.  Coming out at (my favorite...) Developing Artist pricing.  Go to www.hollywoodrec.com, choose Big Kenny, activate that RealPlayer and see what I'm talking about.  Infuckingdeed.
Is anybody else truly disheartened by the load of bullshit releases coming from Rhino Handmade?  How collectable will 10,000 copies of an unreleased fucking Tower Of Power record be, when they won't even sell 4,000?  Usually, things remain unreleased because they're LOUSY.  Jesus. 
Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "Piece Of Crap" - Neil Young & Crazy Horse
HistoricalLEE Speaking This Week©
09/12/66    The Monkees TV show debuts in the US
LEEnk Of The Week©:  After so many years, so many questions answered...  http://www.csulb.edu/~bsb/beastieboys/samples/paulsboutique.html
LEE on DVD This Week©:  'Help'.  Now out of print (along with 'A Hard Day's Night'...can you say 'Yellow Submarine' reissue cash-in?), but containing an interview with Richard Lester - and a really bad (but priceless) transfer of 'The Running Jumping & Standing Still' film.  (Three more words:  Peter Fucking Sellers)  Anyhoo, go to theeweendow.
To make it a really FAB LEEmail:  www.hollywoodandvine.com/yellowsubmarine
Question Of The Week©:
While watching Paul Williams on Match Game PM (on the same panel with Richard Kiel, which made things REALLY surreal), I thought about how much I love 'Phantom Of The Paradise'.  What's that musical that you can't get enough of?  (And Dan, the musical with people UNDER the age of 60 involved)
©1999 Lee M. Lodyga
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