It's a thousand pages, give or take a few.
I'll be writing more in a week or two.
I can make it longer if you like the style.

Hey, I'm published.  Check out www.enoise.com and catch up on any LEEmails you might have missed.  While you're there, download the new Macca single.  And while we're on the subject...

LEE On DVD This Week©:  'Yellow Submarine' [MGM].  Fanfuckingtastic.  The picture is beautiful, the remix is splendid & the extra features are a treat (film sequences ran alongside storyboards, original pencil drawings & cells, a documentary, interviews, commentary - need I continue?)  The "Hey Bulldog" sequence is great, as is another added scene that occurs before it.  This film is a ball for all ages.  In fact, I'd be hard pressed to find anyone who wouldn't be completely transfixed by a number of the sequences.  DVD's letterboxed - the VHS ain't (although it does come in that groovy yellow clamshell).  Treat yourself.  Go get it.  It's all in the mind, y'know.

While you're out, pick up the newly released 'Yellow Submarine Songtrack' [Apple/Capitol] which replaces toe tappers like "Sea Of Holes" with lesser known hits like "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds".  The remix is exquisite, although you know there will be a bunch of assholes complaining in a future ICE Magazine CD Watchdog about them.  I read a review in Entertainment Weekly that said "the antiseptic remixes smack of 90's sonic biases."   Well, hell - gimme smack - er - Bactine - er - whatever.  I've never heard these songs sound better.  The string quartet in "Eleanor Rigby" is in your goddamn living room.  You can make out each voice in the choruses of "Yellow Submarine".  "Hey Bulldog" fucking rips.  Four words: "Only A Northern Song".  Essential.

Favorite Song Of All Time This Week©:  "It's All Too Much" - The Beatles

Question Of The Week© #1  Was "some fellow named 'Lawrence Hill'" a joke, or not?

Happy Birthday To Thee From LEE This Week©: 
09/17/32    Hank Williams
09/19/31    Brook Benton
09/19/41    Cass Elliot
09/22/60    Joan Jett
09/23/26    John Coltrane
09/23/30    Ray Charles

I got a hold of a Canadian-only Rainmakers record from 1994 called 'Flirting With The Universe' [Mercury]  Remember them?  How many bands did YOU see them open for?  It's not bad, it's The Rainmakers.  It made me want to go to a big geodesic dome and do some Cool Coat Dancing©.

Garthbrooksaschrisgaines News©:  My magic GBACG pixie has granted me a special wish, and is sending me an advance copy.  I should have it for the weekend.  (Can you say addendum?)  The single's down a notch to #6 on the Pop Charts, and its "country" b-side is at #27 on the Country Charts (although it is #1 on the Country Singles Sales Chart - you GO mate!)  But have no fear - you'll all get to hear it on the 28th.  Everyone just go to the Outback Steakhouse and have a Chocolate Thunder From Down Under in honor of my friend & hero, Garthbrooksaschrisgaines.

HistoricalLEE Speaking This Week©:
09/18/70    Jimi Hendrix dies.
Favorite Album Of All Time This Week©:  'Axis: Bold As Love' - The Jimi Hendrix Experience.  BY FAR, it's the best one of the three. 
LEEnk Of The Week©:  www.disgruntledhousewife.com  Wow, I love the internet.
Question Of The Week© #2:
What's the first cartoon that made an impression on you?
©1999 Lee M. Lodyga
LEEmail LakinLand