Number 9

The significant number of this edition of F&R can only mean that I will be listening to the music of John Lennon while writing it. Ah! bowakawa pousse, pousse.

Wow, my gas tank must've got bigger. I used to be able to put only ten dollars worth of gas in it, but now it holds over twelve dollars worth!

Instead of suspending Darryl Strawberry from baseball for taking drugs again, they should really punish him this time and make him play for the Cubs.

Hard times also have fallen on Sammy "The Bull" Gravano. Talk about taking whatever kind of work you can get - heís being accused of financing a drug gang. I can remember when this guy used to kill people for a living!

Forbes Magazine has just named Julia Roberts "the most powerful celebrity on the planet," despite the fact she is totally unable to bend a steel bar with her bare hands. Besides, any list of the top 100 celebrities has to be rather bogus if it doesnít have the name Scott Baio on it.

You know, thereís a part of me thatís still thinking about Jenniefer Lopez showing up more than half naked at the Grammys.

First Celine Dion announced she was taking time off to be with her family and now Kathy Lee Gifford is gonna be a copycat and do the same thing. And itís not even my birthday!

Sorry, kids, there was no big Spice Girls reunion at the British Who Cares Music Awards. So donít hold your breath waiting for Ginger Spice to join Baby, Scary, Posh and Dopey in Spice World 2. And there is no truth to the rumor that Connie Stevens is joining the group and changing her name to Old Spice.

Wait a sec. George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Marky Mark Wahlberg are gonna co-star in a remake of the classic heist film Oceanís Eleven? Thatís some star power, but it doesnít quite have the pizzazz as Frank, Dino and Sammy. And whoís gonna play the Joey Bishop and Norman Fell parts? Plus theyíre only gonna knock off three casinos instead of five. Pussies!!

The Beach Boys too long to be called a TV movie but really too short to be called a mini-series thing that aired recently was just plain lame. If you didnít already know all those "startling revelations" (Charles Manson, really?), then why would you be watching in the first place?  It would have been more interesting if it were done as a sitcom. Then producer John Stamos could have cast some of his Full House buddies in a story about his rock and roll pals. Think Dave Coulier as Brian Wilson, then at least when Coulier did those silly cartoon voices it would make sense. Bob Saget as Manson, now thereís some inspired casting. Those annoying (but cute) Olson Twins could play the voices in Brianís head. The Wonder Years mom could keep her role as Brianís mom, but theyíd have to get an assist from another show to find a proper Murry Wilson. Come on, I canít be the only one thinking Jerry Stiller!

I just dug out my copy of the 30th Year Anniversary issue of Rolling Stone Magazine with all the covers of all the previous issues. Man, that used to be one cool magazine. I know, itís just a reflection of the times. Thatís what makes me so sad. The times used to be a lot cooler, too.

Enough already. Itís like this: The groom from Who Wants To Marry A Millionaire is just plain creepy and the bride was a dumb ass for going on the show in the first place.

Former Bay City Roller Derek Longmuir has pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography. I guess he couldnít convince the judge it was just some old fan mail.

Okay, sugarless gum. Decaffeinated coffee. Non-alcoholic beer. Maybe thatís where they got the idea for unfunny situation comedies.

Listen up. You may be an heir to the Screaminí Jay Hawkins estate. The recently deceased rock singer may have left behind 57 children, some of them not knowing who or how famous their father was. A-parent-ly after Jay put his spell on someone, he forgot to put on something else.

Have I become unstuck in time? The big new album releases are by Oasis, The Cure and Smashing Pumpkins. I can handle that, but if the whole Counting Crows, Spin Doctors, Hootie and the Blowfish thing starts up again, someone will have to do the honors and put a bullet through my brain.

Almost cut my hair. But I let a professional do it instead. Now Iím going through that post haircut looking like a spaz before it grows back a little and looks right period. But I had to get it cut, it was getting in my way. Ah, what ever happened to that hippie kid in high school who used to look something like Neil Young on the cover of Tonightís The Night? Oh yeah, he got older, his hair thinned out and now it looks like Neilís circa Looking Forward when it gets long.

Ooh, just thought of another casting change for The Beach Boys sitcom. Andy Dick as Van Dyke Parks.

Thatís it for Number 9.

Come Together. 
We All Shine On. 
Give Peace A Chance. 
All You Need Is Love

Fuck and Run- Volume 8- The Grammy Edition
 is right here in case you missed it...

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